Hanazuki's moon Xmas holiday! Day ten:The taste season of moon cocoa!☕️

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In hanazuki's moon after sleepy unicorn has helped hanazuki and her friend's warm again by creating a moon chimney for them, today's moon december ten it was day time on the moon and the snow's still getting heavy and hard, inside of hanazuki's room kiazuki was in the moon kitchen along with zikoro the two were struggling looking for something inside the moon kitchen pantry, meanwhile kiyoshi just came out of room after minutes taking his little unicorn's for nap time and he is exhausted from doing that so he went into the moon kitchen to get himself something to drink. As he got there he notices kiazuki was going though the moon pantry and he decided to check up on her, he goes around and the moon kitchen counter and found's kiazuki was digging and throwing some moon pots and bowls outta the moon pantry, kiyoshi's eyebrow lifts up and doesn't why's she inside there kiyoshi came up to her and ask what was she looking for.
Kiyoshi:Kiazuki? What are you looking for?
Kiazuki:I'm searching for the moon tray holder for the moon hot cocoa's
Kiyoshi:Moon hot cocoa's?
Kiazuki:Hanazuki convince me, maroshi, and miyumi to invite everyone over to our home for some moon hot cocoa. While they're gone, I have to make the hot cocoa's for them, I don't know the ingredients for the hot cocoa, and I can't seem to find the tray holder!
Kiyoshi:How about I'll help?
Kiazuki:You? Help? As if?
Kiyoshi:What? What's wrong having me around?
Kiazuki:Nothing much, kiyoshi, but you it seem you can't help out with everybody
Kiyoshi:I am helping out with everyone! What makes you think I can't?!
Kiyoshi:Well every time hanazuki goes up to you and need's an assistant, you walk the other direction and get away from my moonflower sister
Kiyoshi:Look, kiazuki, I know I can be a little anxious sometimes but I've never walk away over something that I don't wanna do
Kiazuki:Then why do keep doing it to hanazuki?
Kiyoshi:I-I don't know. It's...it's complicated...
Kiazuki:That you're secretly in love with my sister?
Kiyoshi:What?! No! *nervously laughing* What make you think...I, I, I love her?!
Kiazuki:Cause whenever hanzuki ends up being next to you, you'll alway's blushed and your bracelet's be glowing pink. Which mean's you love her
Kiyoshi:T-There's no way you can't prove any of that
Kiazuki smirk deviously and cross her arms around, kiyoshi notice his bracelets are glowing and he blushed in embarrassed, he tried to hides them but kiazuki saw them and knowing that she's right about his secret. Kiyoshi sighs in defeat and let's go of his glowing bracelet's, he stares at kiazuki and confront's her about his deep secret before he stop's blushing.
Kiyoshi:How long have you knew about my secret?
Kiazuki:Since I've figured out your biggest crush on hz
Kiyoshi:Kiazuki, you can't tell anyone about this, especially hanazuki!
Kiazuki:How about an exchange for keeping your little secret, kiyoshi.
Kiyoshi:I'll do anything you'll say, just tell what it is so I can do it for you!
Kiazuki:Kiyoshi, I want to start by searching for the tray holder so I can stay busy making the hot cocoa's
Kiyoshi:Really? That's it? I hoping you wasn't able to give me more than that, kz
Kiazuki:Oh, that was first thing I've given you, kiyoshi, you see hanazuki is giving me a list of things I supposed to do, before the others show's up here
Kiyoshi:A list of what?
Kiazuki:Like getting some more wood for the fire, helping me set out the room with fluffy pillows, warm blanket's, getting moon marshmallows from the dark side, and handing more the moon hot cocoa everybody
Kiyoshi:Whoah. That's allot of work...
Kiazuki:I know right? Now starting to find the stupid tray holder or else I'm telling hanazuki!
Kiyoshi: *sighing* Yes kiazuki...
Kiazuki:Good boy. Come on, zikoro, let's get thing's started!
As kiazuki and zikoro set's up the moon coffee cups on the moon kitchen counter and kiyoshi goes down inside of the moon kitchen pantry as he starts searching for the tray holder after kiazuki has told him to do, later that night everybody was inside of hanazuki's house they were all having a good time, inside of hanazuki's room everyone was laughing and they're enjoying their time together. Kiazuki was watching everyone and they were spending their time with each other, maroshi and dazzlessence were having a conversation about maroshi's first treasure tree, doughy was stopped babbling about his moon tastiest christmas feast with basil ganglia, the flochis were sleeping on the fluffy pillow's with their bodies by the moon chimney along with sleepy, the hemka's, the unicorn's, and zikoro are playing tag with each other, hanazuki and miyumi was having a conversation about miyumi's birth backstory, and kiyoshi carrying a tray holder with full of hot cocoa's after he's done making them with kiazuki's ingredients for him. Kiyoshi giving out to everyone in this room and he'd saved one of the last two moon hot cocoa for himself and hanazuki, he walks towards her and miyumi as he was about to approach her and sat next's to her, suddenly yellowcorn zap's yellow hemka in the back and it caused yellow to fall onto the ground faceplate and kiyoshi steps on yellow and it made kiyoshi fall on the floor and landed on his butt, and the hot cocoa's flew into the air and they crashed to the ground and got everyone's attention after they've heard some glass shatters. There were broken moon coffee mug's pieces on the floor and the hot cocoa is spilled everywhere on the floor too, everybody looks at kiyoshi and thinking he might cause this mess, kiyoshi blushed in embarrassed and he run's off the moon kitchen to clean up the mess he made while hanazuki run's after him, when kiyoshi got there he spot's some moon paper towels over the moon cookie jar and grab's it so he can used it to wipe out the hot cocoa spill, after he got it turns back into the room to clean it up but he bumped into someone else and lands on the floor, and kiyoshi looks up to see who did he bump into it was other than hanazuki.
Kiyoshi:Hanazuki, what are you doing?
Hanazuki:I was came by to help you out with mess
Kiyoshi:Thanks but no thanks, hz. I got from here
Hanazuki:Really, kiyoshi. I can help you
Kiyoshi:No. I can do it by my own
Hanazuki:But I can help
Kiyoshi:I don't need help from you
Hanazuki:But kiyoshi
Kiyoshi:No but's. Now move I've got paper towels here!
Hanazuki: *sighing* Funny...it seems you be around me...
Kiyoshi:What, hanazuki? What make you say that?
Hanazuki:Well, whenever I'll go near you, you just ran off like I'm a threat, kiyoshi!
Kiyoshi:Hanazuki, I would never think about you like that
Hanazuki:Well, you seem to be! Every time I try to help you or I just wanna you to help me, you've never do!
Kiyoshi:Hanazuki, I wanna to help you, really. It just there something doing on my mind and I need a little more time from you and the other's
Hanazuki:Really, kiyoshi? Like what exactly?
Kiyoshi:Uh, w-well, trying to...umm...finding the perfect gift for you!
Hanazuki:Find the perfect gift for me?
Kiyoshi:Yeah! I've try to search the gift you like on moon christmas, but I can't seem to find exactly you wanted it
Hanazuki:Wait. Is that you've been ignoring me and don't want to be see me
Kiyoshi:No it's not like that, hanazuki, I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you. I can make it up to you, I promise
Hanazuki:You promise you'll be next for all time and not to leave my site again?
Kiyoshi:I promise!
Hanazuki:And you promise when we're alone together at my home tomorrow and help me out with moon christmas cookies?
Kiyoshi:I will-! Wait what?!
Hanazuki:Kiazuki told me how much you love baking with doughy bunington and you have just a good skill of it. I was hoping I can ask to help me during the night
Kiyoshi:Hanazuki...I'm not that kind of moonflower...
Hanazuki:C'mon do it for me...please?
When hanazuki make's her eyes look like a cute an adorable puppy eyes and beg's kiyoshi to help her make some moon christmas cookie's for tomorrow morning, kiyoshi at to hanazuki's eyes knowing that he can't bare to see those sad eyes, kiyoshi soften and gives in on agreeing to help out hanazuki
Kiyoshi:Okay hz. I'll do it
Hanazuki:Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, kiyoshi! You're the best moonflower friend I'd never ask for!
Kiyoshi:Anytime hanazuki...
Kiyoshi's face turns into an anxious worried face, he couldn't believe kiazuki have lied to hanazuki of thinking that he's a moon baker, kiazuki only did to bring them close again and kiyoshi didn't see this coming at all. Now he have to stayed home with hanazuki his secret crush for tomorrow, as kiyoshi's bracelets turns lime green and kiyoshi nervously have to deal with the lie that he facing tomorrow morning.

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