Chapter 3 - Take Responsibility

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What the hell is going on?!’

FengJui felt as if her body was submerged in a cold water. Her face paled as she stared at the man beside her.

’Did I just roll on the bed[1] together with this stranger?!’

She looked at herself and found out that aside from being naked, her body was full of love bites. Her left breast had a faint bite mark and some parts of her arms had bruises. Feng Jiu’s mind was in total chaos as she tried to recall everything that happened last night. She remembered that before she collapsed, she flirted with an unknown man—a stranger!

’Whoa!! This is all my fault.. Urgh.. I can’t believe that I just lost my virginity without a cause. I shouldn’t have---urgh... This is totally shameful.’

She stared at the man she shared her night with. He had thick eyebrows and his eyelashes were long. His hair was messy, and his mouth had a small cut in the corner. Despite his messy look, his elegance and bearing were superior. Even the most hailed celebrity actors paled in comparison. She looked at him and found out that he was also full of tiny love bites, in contrast to his white, smooth skin. There was a bunch of small teeth marks on both of his shoulders and some scratches on his arms.

’Oh, God.. Don’t tell me.. I made those hickeys---?! This...’

Feng Jiu could not believe that she could be this wanton towards someone she did not know. She really couldn’t remember everything that happened after she puked at him. She looked at the ceiling while trying to recall everything, but aside from fainting after she puked all her guts out, she could not recall the intense activity she did together with this man beside her. Feng Jiu did not even notice when the man beside her opened his eyes and stared at her.

She suddenly felt an intense stare from her side, so, Feng Jiu subconsciously turned her head towards it. Two beautiful eyes were gazing at her fervently. Like a galaxy full of stars, his eyes were shining brightly. His lips curved upward which gave him a naughty look despite his cold and aloof facial expression. As if she was bitten by a snake, Feng Jiu went stiff. She could not help but stare back at him. They both stared at each other without blinking. Feng Jui felt suffocated, she could not breathe. She did not know why but she felt that the surroundings became hot all of a sudden. The man did not say anything but his right arm where she laid stroked her head softly while the other arm grabbed her waist, pulling her closer towards him.

Feng Jiu was startled to death. His breath was hot and it tickled her ears, making her blush like a ripened tomato. She had goosebumps all over her body. She could not help but feel alarmed due to his sudden action. It was very intimate, making her subconsciously shy away. When she recalled that both of them were naked under the thin sheet, Feng Jiu panicked. She tried to push him away, but she was locked in his tight embrace. He put his head on her shoulder and sniffed her fragrance from her neck, not paying attention to her struggles. Feng Jiu felt awkward because this was the first time she had experienced being intimate with a man. Last night was an exemption because she had no recollection of what had happened between them. She tried to speak but was left speechless when she felt something hard poking at her abdomen.


Feng Jiu suddenly felt scared. She had forgotten to fight back. She could have slapped him on the face or bit him hard but because she was caught of guard and was unable to think rationally, Feng Jiu was like a lost rabbit who was cornered by a big bad dog.

The Man’s hands started moving, tracing every section of her body--- her waist, her butt, her back and... her breasts. Every inch of her body that was touched by his hand started burning. Few seconds later, Feng Jiu could feel the sudden change inside her body, as if she was being grilled in a pan. She suppressed the moan wanting to escape from her mouth and tried to push him again. In order to stop the man who was currently eating her tofu, Feng Jiu forced herself to speak clearly while trying not to moan.

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