Chapter 50 - My Lovely MinDe

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She left home after her parents decided to betroth her with the son of their business partner in America.

She did not want someone to dictate her life.

She wanted to be free.

She wanted to find love.

She wanted to start a family with the person she loved and not because of mutual benefits.

So she left home.

After few more rings, Xiao Mei decided to answer the phone call.

"Hello, mom?"

"Ah Mei! Where were you in these past few weeks?? You didn’t even call me. You just left the house. Ah Mei... My darling... Are you okay? Are you eating well?"

Her mom sounded so helpless and full of worry.

Xiao Mei felt guilty.

She never really considered everything before she left home.

She never thought of her mother, father, their company and everyone before marching out of the house and running away from her marriage.

"Mom.. Ah Mei was very willful and stubborn... But please forgive Ah Mei for running away... Mom.. I----"

Fortunately, she was successful this time but before she could take a step forward, her body swayed back and forth.

Her vision went blurry and she fell backwards.

Two big hands steadied her body.

She turned her head upward and saw two beautiful eyes staring at her.

She grinned.

"Ahhh! My lovely MinDe~ *hiccs* why-why are you here?? *hiccs*"

She hugged him like a koala. All of her limbs were firmly attached to his body.

The man’s mouth twitched while looking at her grimly.


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