Chapter 37 - Mrs. Lu MinFeng

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’Lu MinFeng!! You, shameless bastard!!’ Feng Jiu prayed that when Little Bump grew up, her baby would not get MinFeng’s nasty attitude and shameless personality.

She just stared at the papers with conflicted emotions inside her heart. Recalling what Xiao Mei said yesterday, Feng Jiu once again fell into deep thought.

’Did he really try to search for me? Why would he do that? Unless.... He has feelings for me?’ Feng Jiu’s heart almost skipped a beat. ’Impossible. If he truly loves me.. Then why... Why did he not utter those words I always wanted to hear?’

Feng Jiu was still lost in her thoughts when her phone rang.

It was MinFeng. The shameless bastard was calling her.

She tried to calm herself before answering her phone. "Hello. This is Feng Jiu of Feng International speaking." She used her business-like tone to answer.

MinFeng did not answer right away. It took him a minute to reply. She could hear him exhale deeply. "Have you received the envelope? I already signed everything."

Feng Jiu mockingly laughed. "Mr. Lu, what you did was not simply signing the papers. You basically rewrote everything!! This is not what we discussed yesterday!"

"Discussed? What did we discuss yesterday? Ah... On how you could satisf----"

"Lu MinFeng!! How shameless are you?!"

"Shameless enough to make you cum."

"You---!!" Once again Feng Jiu was rendered speechless by his shamelessness.

She took a deep breath and said in a very dangerous tone, "Mr. Lu, do not try to want a mile after given an inch[1]. The things written here in the agreement are clearly impossible to achieve. I would like to change the conte----"

"Ms. Feng, as I’ve said before, I am a businessman. What I care about is the profit I would make in every transaction. This is what I could offer for you. Take it or leave it. You better think wisely. I will wait for your call." MinFeng ended their conversation.

If MinFeng was here right now, Feng Jiu might have strangled him to death. Few minutes ago, she foolishly thought that maybe MinFeng had feelings for her but after he taunted her like crazy a moment ago, she was very sure that the man only wanted to mess with her.

Maybe MinFeng was really her personal jinx and mortal nemesis.

She grudgingly read the Marriage agreement.

To summarize, after the marriage, the husband and wife will live together. The husband and wife will share the same bed and sexual intercourse is a must. Not less than 5x a day. During the union, both parties must be loyal to both sides. Flirting with other people is not allowed especially with men. The wife’s first priority is the husband before anything else. The wife’s schedule must be thoroughly checked every day. Both companies will have a collaboration and both parties will act as the representative. Every transaction and project will be handled personally without any external disturbance involved. They will only get divorced at the date written on the divorce papers. The party who initiates an early divorce before the expiration date of the contract will give 70% of the total stocks owned by the subject to the other party.

Feng Jiu pinched the center of her brows. ’Who would want to sign this unfair agreement eh?’

Feng Jiu wanted to burn the papers. She wanted to throw it inside the trash bin... but she couldn’t. Although the agreement was unfair, she could not reject it because she had to marry him. For the sake of her grandfather and... for the sake of herself.

’Before Little Bump starts to grow bigger, I want to be with him just a little bit. And after two months, I can just make some excuses and stay away from him until the end of the contract.’

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