Chapter 23 - Ah Jiu's First Love

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Feng Jiu was almost at the office when Little Mei called her once again.

"Boo hoo~ Ah Jiu~. Help meee~. *sob* S-someone is bullying me here. *sob*"

Little Mei’s crying sounds could be heard. She sounded so pitiful that Feng Jiu’s heart squeezed tightly. "Ah Mei, what exactly happened?? Who bullied you?" Feng Jiu was suddenly transformed into an overly protective sister.

Feng Jiu was indifferent with other people but towards those whom she cared, she would protect them at all costs, like a mother lion protecting her cubs.

"Ah Jiu... C-come here.. *sob*"

"Okay. Okay. Where are you?"

"I-I was hold captive h-here *sob* at the airport’s s-security office. *sob* they said... they said, they will sue me!! Waahhhh!! Ah Jiu~"

"Shh.. It’s okay. Don’t cry. I’m here. Nothing will happen to you. Stay there, okay?"

"*sob* Mmm.. Okay.. I-I’ll wait for you. Come quickly."

"Okay. I’ll hang up. Behave." Feng Jiu immediately stepped on the brakes and made a U-turn. Few minutes later, Feng Jiu arrived at the airport. She walked towards the security department and went inside the office. There, she saw Little Mei sitting on the chair. She looked like she was a trying to argue with someone. She was pouting. Due to anger, her face had turned into scarlet red like a ripened tomato, ready to harvest.

"H-how dare you!! Why would you sue me? My surname is ’Xiao’! I’m the precious princess of Infinite Airlines!"

"Miss Xiao, my client does not wish to have a conflict with Xiao family, but you have crossed the line and assaulted my client." The man with eyeglasses spoke professionally.

Feng Jiu’s brows wrinkled. ’I knew it. This bratty princess made trouble again.’

"Ah Mei." Before it escalates to another level, Feng Jiu immediately went towards Xiao Mei.

"Ah Jiu~ boo hoo... You’re here."

Like a kid who finally found her savior, Xiao Mei raised her head and cried pitifully. She hugged Feng Jiu and said, "Ah Jiu... Look.. *sob* they are bullying me.. Boo hoo~ the Lu Family is bullying the Xiao Family.. *sob*"

’This Lu Family again? What is wrong with them?? They always bully the weak.’ Feng Jiu’s eyes narrowed when she heard that the man was a representative of someone from the Lu Family. "I am Feng Jiu of Feng International. On behalf of my friend, I would like to apologize."

"I am the legal representative of Mr. Lu of Lu Corporation, Wen Tao." said the man with the eyeglasses.

Feng Jiu and WenTao shook hands. WenTao faced Xiao Mei and said, "Miss Xiao, my client does not want to make this a big issue. If you could properly apologize and promise not to harass my client again, Mr. Lu won’t continue to press you any charges."

Feng Jiu looked at Xiao Mei. "Harassment? Ah Mei, what did you do?"

Xiao Mei averted her eyes and looked down. "Ah Mei.."

"I was just... I was just trying to get back what he stole."

Xiao Mei’ whispered, she sounded like a mosquito.

Feng Jiu, who was near her fortunately heard her words. "Stole? What did he steal?" Feng Jiu suddenly eyed Wen Tao as if telling him that it was his client who was the offender in the first place.

"He stole... He stole swhshwh..." Feng Jiu was not able to hear Xiao Mei’s words this time.

"Huh? What did you say?"

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