Meeting everyone

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Stepping off the train in tombstone Arizona it. It reminded me so much of my tiny little town of Wills point , Texas other then the fact in the middle of summer it felt cooler. Looking around for my life time friend Wyatt Earp I find him and His brother Virgal standing next to where they were unloading the horses I ran to Wyatt , he bear hugged me . But ruining this happy reunion I hear the sound of a whip cracking I turn to see this man unloading my horse Dusty hitting her with a clothed whip . I stomped over to him snatching the whip and hitting him with it he looked at me as if I grew a second head I looked him dead in the eye and said "it don't feel to good now does it". Dropping the whip at his feet I grabbed Dusty's reins pulling him off the trailer . When Virgal laughs saying "well lizzy nice to see you haven't changed one bit". I smirked "well of course not why change from my lovely self ". We all walked to Wyatt's and I dropped off dusty and said hi to the wives noticing Mattie was holding a bottle of laudanum shaking my head and sighing. I turned walking out the door back to Wyatt and Virgal and we walked down to the oriental where Wyatt ran faro . As we walked in Wyatt and Virgal headed straight for a faro table and I walked to the bar getting a glass of whiskey then walking over to Wyatt I noticed him cutting up laughing with a guy I couldn't quite see his face at all there was an empty chair between him and Wyatt so I pushed my way to the table and took a sit as the stranger grabbed my hand on top of the table I turned and flip my feather and turquoise revolver from my hip to his head at the flip of a coin causing everyone to stop he finally lifted his head allowing me to see him fully I notice his piercing blue eyes and messy brown hair the sweat dripping down his face as he lightly coughed and well rounded mustache sat curled into a smirk on his lip . Wyatt snapped me out of my thoughts "LIZZY PUT THE GUN DOWN " I turn to him "why should I " he replied "that's my buddy " I slowly pull the
revolver away from his head and he smirked he grabbed my hand again bringing it to his mouth to kiss it "hello sugar I'm doc holiday but all my friends call me doc " I smiled at him the names Elizabeth but Wyatt and everyone call me lizzy " he smiled at me pulling my hand from his mouth but not letting go . (doc holiday ) Where stories live. Discover now