Johnny mf ringo

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As we sat there joking and playing faro the door kicked open causing me, wyatt and doc to shoot up out of our chairs looking towards the door I noticed doc gripping my hand tighter . I turn towards the door gasping to seeing two faces I thought I'd never have to see again Johnny ringo and curly bill I dip my head hopping no one noticed making eye contact with Wyatt he looks worried . As they walk up I notice a girl at the bar with a red sash around her neck wondering why she ain't walking over to Johnny I decide to worry about it later as Johnny is now right in front of me and doc . I hear him say well you must be Doc holiday and doc replies back with a little cough "that's the rumor " I can't help but giggle at the southern twang in his accent . This drawing Johnnys attention for doc to me real quick he smiles " well if it isn't ms. Elizabeth king god you haven't changed one bit from Texas sweetheart " as those words left his mouth my revolver was at his forehead and he looked scared but doc squeezed my hand reminding me we were in a bar full of people so still holding my revolver to johnnys forehead I turned to doc taking the toothpick from between his teeth putting it in my mouth and lowering my revolver back to my hip . Johnny taking this in the wrong way as me and doc were together. He turned and backed away I smirked and turned to doc seeing him standing there stunned I watched Johnny walk to the girl saying something then continuing out the door I smirked back at doc as he walked closer getting all so close to my face. Making me take a deep breath he grabbed the toothpick out of my mouth twisting it around his tounge before sitting it on the side of his mouth. Still in my face he whispers what was that darling . I smirked "well that's a little something called flirting ever heard of it". Wyatt whooping and hollering "damn doc might wanna stick to faro looks like you found someone possibly faster with her revolver and more sarcastic ". Doc still in shock I backed away walking to the bar wanting to find out who this girl was but as I turned she walked up and looked at doc "well what a surprise doc holiday" he responded that's the rumor she replied "I thought I killed you " he chuckled " I just let you take the first shoot " and with that she turned and walked back to her seat at the bar but I wasn't gonna let her get away that easy I walked up to her " what's your name " she shurgged back" ask doc but until the my name is on a need to know " I pulled my gun without hesitating . She throw her hands up . "Look I already turned in my guns and the names Johnna". (doc holiday ) Where stories live. Discover now