Chapter 6

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After helping Wyatt clean up the mess , I made it with the bottle I threw of Laudanum. I walked back to the hotel to check on doc. As I made my way up the stairs I heard Johnna yelling. I turned on my heels, placing my hand on my gun while running towards her room down stairs. When I got there I saw dumbass Johnny Ringo hit her. He didn't realize I was standing behind him but Johnna did. Flipping my gun off my side and placing it against his head cocking the hammer" hey dumbass lay hands on her again and i'll lay you on your ass i don't care who's around or where we are, i will put a bullet in your head. " he turned around the gun now pressed on his forehead. "Well then do it sweetheart shoot me down right here " my finger slipped down to the trigger. Before I could put pressure on the trigger it was pulled out of my hand and I was pulled back. When I looked behind me I saw Doc holding me and Wyatt had my gun. Wyatt walked to Johnna pulling her into his chest " what are you doing wyatt " morgan questioned him "yall can leave i will make sure she's safe." he replied. Doc let go of me nodding to Wyatt smiling, forgetting his hat was still resting on my head he turned to walk away following me but not before throwing a wink at wyatt. Me and doc went to our room. Yes, our room we stay in together now. I went into the bathroom changing into my nightgown and walking out to find Doc already in bed. I went to lay down next to him. When there was knock on the door walking over grabbing docs pearl revolver i opened it to find a guy" The clantons and Mclaurys are gunning for yall" thank you for warning us night" with that i shut the door and decided to stay awake not even ten minutes after four more people came up to our room saying the same thing so me and doc decided to get up and get dressed. Walking towards the saloon i see Wyatt and the boys having there morning cup of coffee i was trailing a bit behind doc allowing him to get up there before me when i hear doc say " care to tell me why about five people have came up to our room saying the mclaurys and clantons are gunning for us ". wyatt looked back at me and goes "yall dont need to get involved in this ".i looked him dead in the eyes "now b-wyatt that's a hell of a thing to say to us of all people " wyatt sighs "it's your call " give doc the shotgun they'll be less out to try something if he's on the street howitzer." we started walking down the road wyatt ,doc,morgan,virgal where in front and i was behind them i can hear doc whistling i looked behind me to see a building on fire taking a deep breath as we started to get closer to the ok corral. Sheriff behan came running " yall dont need to go i already disarmed them" the guys kept on walking as he continued "now yall dont want to drag a lady into this now do ya " wyatt chuckled " we have no choice she follows whether we like it or not.'' We continued around the corner to find Ike dunking his head in a barrel of water , Billy Claiborne was standing with the Mclaury brothers Frank and Tom. Virgal steps out as we all come to a stop " throw your hands up we are here to disarm you " Billy's hand slipped down to his gun and rested on the handle he and doc exchanged a look and as i took in a deep breath bullets started flying as shots are being fired ike clanton comes barreling at me and wyatt " Don't shoot don't shoot me i ain't got no gun "! wyatt grabbed him by the collar saying " the fighting commenced either to get to fighting or get away " throwing ike to the ground he stumbled and ran into the near by photograph shop. As the glass window shattered from ike throwing his arm through with a gun i screamed " doc behind us"! As he turns virgal is hit in the leg falling to the ground with a groan not five seconds later and morgan got shoot in the arms his gun falling to the ground as we continued to fight i see doc get cornered the guy said " i got you now lunger " and raised his gun doc replied "your a daisy if you do" swinging both his arms open almost as if saying do it shoot me i dare ya. But doc faked being out of ammo and shoot the guy right in the chest. As the fight eneded and everyone was trying to catch there breaths and gather there minds. I see johnna come running but then she gets shot right in the back by billy claiborne as i watched her fall to her knees i took off running towards her screaming for wyatt. Wyatt ran over and we got her to the doctors i was pacing so wyatt made me leave for awhile but i came back just as she woke up sighing seeing the look her and wyatt shared all the same i announced "wyatt ill go tell the doc shes awake" with that i turned on my heels walking to find the doctor after the doctor went to go check on her i decided it was time to go home but first to my loving gambler walking to the oriental sure enough there he sat in his usual chair shadowed by smoke and the minor coughs i walked over as morgan looked up at me " i tried to get him to go home but he wont " doc looks up at me clearly drunker than normal sweat rolling down his face and he gave shaky coughs " darling come sit join us " walking over i sat down " doc don't you think it's time to go home " he smirked reaching for the money he had just won " nonsense i have yet begun to defile myself" with that i sighed and leaned back in my chair for its gonna be a long night with him acting like this soon enough it was time to leave as i got up to leave doc fell into one of his horrid coughing spells as he pushed the white cloth up to his face he passed out falling out of the chair i screamed morgan came running and helped me carry him back to the grand hotel where once he was comfortable i sent for the doc who came as quickly as he could i stood out on the balcony while the doctor talked to him " well mr holiday youve lost at leat 67% of your lung tissue " doc just sighed " you need complete rest no drinking, no smoking ,the gambling needs to stop and im afraid your gonna need to cut back on any relations with that lovely lady of yours " i turned bright red hearing him say this i walked back in as the doctor left he pulled me into the hallway " theres a doctor up in colorado that has a cure for his condintion " thank you doctor but i dont know how ima get to colorado " with that the doctor left and i walked back in the room taking off my shall i had thrown over my night clothes and layed down next to doc with my head on his chest and fell asleep to him rubbing his hands through my hair (doc holiday ) Where stories live. 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