To new friends and old past

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I lowered my gun from her face right as dumbass Johnny decides to walk back in this time by himself. Looking to Johnna.She notices him and mumbled "I can't go nowhere" he stumbled over looking to her well hello sweetheart longtime no see". She looks to Johnny " I don't run with you no more you lost getting to call me that ". He stumbles away walking up to doc . Johnna picks up her drink taking a sip looking to me " I never got your name girl ". I replied "names Elizabeth but you can call me lizzy" with that. She got up walking to the door . Johnny, Hollered across the room " where ya going sweetheart". She stopped turning around "I'm not with you anymore stop calling me that" and she continued out the door . I walked back over to doc and them seeing doc spinning his cup around making Johnny look like a fool more then he already did everyone cheered for doc and when he finished . Johnny walked out allowing me to get next to doc again just as he started coughing more and spitting blood into his white handkerchief that wasn't so white no more I was very concerned. Wyatt noticed and pulled me aside explaining doc had tuberculosis otherwise known as consumption I nodded and walked back sitting beside him as he continued playing when Wyatt got up gathering his stuff letting us know he was going home for the night me and doc nodded and I decided to stay with doc for a little while longer when he got into another really bad coughing fit I rubbed his back feeling pain in my heart for this man I had only met a few hours before but after the fit he decided it was time to go but not before beating someone else in a game before grabbing his coat and my hand and walking out of the oriental as we walked down the dark quiet road we stopped in front of the grand hotel I noticed a red sash laying on the ground cut in half smiling to myself knowing it was Johnnas we walked up the steps and sat on the rocking chairs when he turned to me "darling why did you get so scared and nervous when ringo walked in " I looked back at him in the dim porch light "well when me and Wyatt where back in Texas Johnny was there at the same time causing problems in my little hometown recruiting more cowboys for his gang and one day me , my momma and little sister Marie where walking down the street when a couple of Johnny's guys came up and shot my momma and sister point blank in front of me then knocked me over the head with the back of their shotgun and kidnapped me brought me back to Johnny's hide out where I spend three weeks no food , no shower , no nothing just constantly getting beaten on by cowboys when Wyatt found me I was barley hanging on but he got me out of there and helped me back to myself but then he moved here and I stayed to get make sure everything in town was calm before I decided to pack up and move here to help Wyatt with whatever crazy dream he may have for this place " by this time tears were rolling down my face and doc must've noticed cuz he got up and hugged me right whispering sweet nothings in my ear and comforting me I buried my face in his chest catching the smell of alcohol and cigarettes coming off of him normally I would be disgusted but something about doc comforted me so I stayed in his arms as long as I could before pulling away from the hug and looking at him smiling " ya know I've never told anyone that the only people that know are Wyatt, Morgan and Virgal and well now you " doc chuckled "well darling I'm glad you felt like you could trust me with such knowledge and if you ever need anything just know I'm here " we both turned to head inside funny enough finding out our rooms are across the hall from each other laughing doc says " you ever need anything no matter time of day or night just knock I'm most likely awake and if I'm not the door is unlocked " I smiled back thank you doc . And with that went in my room closing the door and smiling to myself lord this man is gonna be the death of me . And I layed down rolling over and closing my eyes with the image of doc holidays face floating around my mind (doc holiday ) Where stories live. Discover now