Chapter 10

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The next morning we were all up and on our way to the train station leaving Colorado heading back home to tombstone. Once we had gotten back I was very happy to feel the nice warm heat hitting my face. Me , doc and wyatt walked down to the grand hotel knowing that was probably where johnna was as we walked upstairs as we neared her door doc looked to me "whatever we may witness when we walk in just know i'll be by your side till death mrs holiday . smiling hoping no one heard that, especially with johnnas room being within ear shot as the doctor walking out of the room wyatt stopped him to see what was going on continuing into the room . she looked up at the two of us confused at us "where's wyatt ? i responded he's talking to the doctor downstairs johnna let out a deep cough a stair in the bottom of my stomach as i got a flashback to doc laying in bed the day before we killed johnny, i was pulled out of my thoughts by johnna saying lizzy i feel better now that you are here. To be honest i feel like i'm dying watching as she looks over to doc a hint of sadness then happy flashed in her eyes doc walked over patting her head  before giving me a kiss something we have started to do more since we tied the knot as i pulled away i see johnna smiling ' congrats you two smiling to myself i turned to doc honey can you leave so i can help johnna change he nodded before leaving after he shut the door johnna looked at me aren't you afraid of me dying i looked at her remembering when doc told me the same back when we first got to colorado i sighed replying back that's hell of a thing for you to say she looked back at me holding eye contact '' you know deep down your scared to lose me '' as johnna starts  coughing again wyatt runs in grabbing her in his arms i turn leaving walking out to the orinental to find doc set up at our old table he looks and goes well hello darling everything okay with our dear johnna i nod sitting in the seat to his left. Laughing and having a great time being back in our home when the waitress came back to ask if i wanted anything to which i told her just water gaining an odd look from doc which i just smiled at him and said what don't feel like drinking tonight he nodded smiling giving me setting his cup in front of me just catching a whiff of the alcohol sitting in his cup making me feel sick to my stomach. After a few faro games i told doc i was gonna head to check on johnna as i got to her door and opened it i heard her tell wyatt not to tell me who her dad was this peaking my interest as wyatt notices me standing there johnna blacks out from the pain me and wyatt decide to step outside as not to disturb her and we step out of the grand hotel i turn to wyatt seeing anger and confusion in his eyes and i look at him who the hell is her dad wyatt he shakes his head telling me no he wasn't gonna tell me but being his little sister he knew i was gonna give up till he told me leaning against the pole he said her dad is curly bill i suddenly felt bad for that day on the river but also im very pissed off no wonder he never crossed her i stomped down the steps to dusty needing a break i rode off towards mine and docs little three bedroom cabin sitting on the porch enjoying the sunset waiting for doc to come home as im sitting there in the rocking chair my hand resting on the little bump that the baby was starting to form smiling thinking about doc being a dad and me being a mom and sitting here in 8 months watching him and the baby run around in the yard i hear docs little whistles moving my hand hoping he didnt notice he walks up hugging and kissing my forehead come on honey i reckon its time for bed as we walked in the house i got more nervous when i was only a couple weeks pregnant it was easy to still change into my night gown in front of doc without him noticing any difference but its starting to get harder to hide as the months and weeks go by and the little baby grows as we get to the bed room i decided to change in the bathroom for once slipping my nightgown over my head and straightening it i noticed just how big the bump was you could definitely see it bracing myself i walked out into the bedroom where doc was already laying in bed propped up waiting for me when i walked around the foot of the bed. I noticed how his eyes widened and his mouth hung a little open finally getting to my side of the bed i crawled in looking at him whats wrong love he swallowed looking at me darling why does it look like your with child i braced myself there was no hiding it now i looked at him in the eyes well because dear i am in fact with child his eyes widened just a bit more before a smile raised on his lips you mean to tell me i'm going to be a father i nodded my head slowly he just smiled how long have you known love i smiled about a month now he was shocked that makes sense of why you didnt get your normal glass of over haul at the orental or the heck that even a wiff of mine made you feel sick you need to get set up with the doctor here to get ready for the tiny thing we are welcoming into the world giggling at how excited he was i nodded ill go to the doctors tomorrow its time for a monthly check up anyways
The next morning i got up bright and early, me and doc walked to the doctors on the corner toughnut street the doctor checked on doc first clearing him saying there is no sign of the tb coming back anytime soon which is the best news then he checked on me listening to my heartbeat then the babys and measuring  my belly to see how far along i am then setting the next appointment for next month as we walked out i seen johanna still pissed off i walked in the other direction towards the orental doc wanted to celebrate (doc holiday ) Where stories live. Discover now