Chapter 7 - the big fight

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*time skip *

I was walking down the street when I heard screaming. I took off running towards the screams that sounded like they belonged to Morgan as I got to the oriental i see Wyatt holding Morgan saying something. I noticed a bunch of blood as tears threatened my eyes. I backed away and Wyatt came out covered in blood taking one more look inside. I noticed Morgan's lifeless body on the pool table, tears streaming down my face as it started pouring rain. I walked towards Wyatt and he yelled at me " back away !" get back lizzy!. Turning away from him i run back to the hotel noticing doc wasn't there but not really caring i shut the door tears running down my face and i open my secret box where there's stuff from my childhood like a picture of me on wyatts shoulders and morgan standing next to us and virgal off to the side  not really paying attention i let the tears run down my face as i hugged it close closing my eyes and letting the sleepy feeling take over me. When i wake up doc is standing above me and wyatt has the tiny picture in his hand. My eyes widen hoping he won't realize who those kids are. Then he looks up ,  pain and confusion in his eyes " johnna is  passed out  in her room curly bill got ahold of her the other night ". jumping up i walk down to her room wyatt hot on my heels i walk in to see her sleeping peacefully  minus the bruises forming on the side of her face and on her arms that i could see poking above the blacket. I sat at one of the tables by her bedside and Wyatt stood there not really saying anything. I looked up at him hoping he'd break the silence " so how did you get this picture and who's the girl? I get a little worried "well i found that picture while going through my mommas stuff after they were killed and the little girl is me......." wyatt looks at me in disbelief " what do you mean that's you . i stood up walking in front of him "let me reintroduce myself im elizabeth king earp " his face drops then he gets this glint of anger in his eyes " you knew this whole time you were our sister and didn't say anything about it why the hell would you hide that kind of thing from us "! i stuttered back " i honestly forgot about it when i first came into town seeing my twin brother lying on the pool table dead it hit me all at once ". i saw another emotion hit his eyes, sadness " elizabeth morgan was your twin that means you are my little sister". " yes wyatt that means i'm your little sister" .

Time skip

Me and Wyatt stood with doc , turkey creek johnson . Jack Vermilion and the other guys waving virgal and the other two wifes as they head up to california while we stay behind we are on a mission: a vendetta ride to get  rid of  cowboys for good. As we are standing there I hear spears come up behind us . A group of cowboys led by none other than Ike Clanton himself the boys yelled not seeing us " hey virgal where's wyatt " he turns pulling the shotgun he had hidden under his coat and says " i'm right here" and shoots the guy right in the stomach. Ike falls to the ground right in front of me but Wyatt steps in my way before I can do anything, picking ikes head up with his foot, his spear pressed against his cheek, cutting it open " From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. Ike stumbled up to his feet and took off running "You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!" With that we all turned and walked away going our separate ways to pack everything up for the trip ahead (doc holiday ) Where stories live. Discover now