Supernatural Origins of a Hunter Part 6: The Start of Something New

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Emily's eyes fluttered open. The smell of the air alone said she was in a hospital. Beeping machinery filled her ears as she worked her dry mouth. Emily wiggled her toes and fingers. She was stiff. It was then she realized her hand was trapped. She tried to pull it free. No, not trapped. Someone was holding her hand. She rolled her head on the pillow to look down at her hand. Dean was asleep in the uncomfortable looking chair next to her hospital bed. HIs large hand firmly, but delicately, clung to her small hand, careful not to interfere with the IV. Emily squeezed Dean's hand slightly and he started to stir. Her ribs and chest were wrapped in bandages. She wanted to stretch sore and stiff muscles. Moving slowly and gently she tried to stretch and rid herself of this sleepy stiff feeling in her body. She moaned at the pain in her side when she moved and tried to shift, which only made it worse. "You're awake! Hey, no don't move. Relax, Em." Dean had woken fully at the sound of her pained movements. He never released her hand.

Emily stopped moving and took a shallow breath. Deep breaths pulled her stitches. "What happened?" Her voice was dry.

"The wendigo. You don't remember?" Dean brushed a hair from her face. "I thought I lost you for a while there."

Emily bit her lip as the memories flooded back. "Did I kill it?" She shifted, thinking of something else. "Where is Bobby and Sam? Are they ok?"

"They're ok. They're here in the waiting room. Bobby's worried sick about you."

Dean checked her bandages. "You popped a stitch. I'll get the doctor." He stood and opened the door, calling a nurse. Bobby appeared in the doorway.

"Kid, you already lost a lot of blood. You can't afford to lose any more." The old hunter said adjusting his baseball cap.

"Bobby." Emily smiled at him. Over his shoulder Emily saw a woman in a white lab coat enter in from the doorway followed by Dean.

"Emily Shevolt?" Emily nodded. "I'm Doctor Fisher. Let's take a look at those stitches."

"I'll give you some privacy, Em." Dean said, trying to slip out the door.

Emily caught his hand. "Stay..." Emily looked up to meet his green eyes. He had cleaned the blood from his face revealing a small scrape taped shut in his hairline. The blood had been cleaned away, but exhaustion had replaced it. There was a hardness to his face too.

Dean sat beside her again as Bobby ducked out the door saying he would be back. Once Dean had settled he made a pained face at her side and the popped stitch as the doctor cut away the bandages. Doctor Fisher cleaned up the blood and set to work fixing the stitches.

"So," Doctor Fisher started as she pulled out her stitching supplies. "a mountain lion got ya?"

"Yeah." Emily lied.

"You know, you're the third person this month that's been attacked by a mountain lion. Wildlife services thought they caught the mountain lion that's been attacking hikers the other day. Guess they caught the wrong one."

"Nah, I'm sure they got the right one." Dean started. "Em, here, is an animal photographer. Got too close to the cat." Dean flashed a smile at the doctor who looked up from her work briefly. "I told her it was dangerous. She never listens."

"Wildlife photographer, huh?

Emily shot Dean a look before responding. "Yeah." Emily gritted her teeth against the needle sewing her flesh.

"She gets shots of all kinds of dangerous animals in state parks across the country." Dean continued. "You know, mountain lions, bears..."

The doctor looked up to Emily as she sewed the last stitch. "Maybe lay off the dangerous animals for a while." She smiled and pulled off her gloves. "Bed rest. At least two weeks until those stitches come out. And try not to pop anymore stitches, or you will have them for longer. I'll send in a nurse with discharge papers." The doctor washed her hands in the sink across the small room and then left.

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