Supernatural The Origins of a Hunter Part 15: The Water Cat

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Dean popped the plastic top off the pie tin and sliced himself a large piece. The man practically drooled over the oozy apple pie filling that gushed from the golden crust. "You gonna eat that or make love to it?" Emily eyed him as he took a fork full and closed his eyes to savor it.

"Haven't decided yet." Dean said with his mouth full and eyes still closed.

Sam laughed as he pulled food out of the bag he brought in. "One Cheesy Heart Attack in tinfoil." Sam placed the greasy wrapped food in front of Dean who only put the pie fork down long enough to pull the food closer to himself. Sam made a concerned look as Dean stuffed his face with more pie while unwrapping the burger. "One chicken ceasar wrap for the lady." Sam placed the wrap in front of Emily and followed it with a bag of fries. Emily swatted Dean's hand when he tried to steal a fry. Sam placed his salad in front of himself and pulled out a similar dish for Bobby. "Hey, Bobby, better come eat before Dean eats everyone's food."

Bobby, who had his nose buried in a book, shuffled to the table. "Don't worry I think it only eats meat and grease." He gave Dean a look.

"And pie" Emily added, still watching Dean. Concerned about the moaning with each bite of apple pie.

Dean finally chimed in. "Drowning is hard work. Leave me alone." He finally succeeded in stealing one of Emily's fries.

Sam shook his head. "So what do you have on the shaking tent, Bobby?"

"Nothin to complicated. Saplings about seven feet tall. A tarp. Some herbs." Bobby Paused. "It's not the supplies that will be complicated."

"What do ya mean?" Dean asked.

"I mean one of us is gonna have to get in there and project their spirit and battle this thing."

"I'll do it." Dean shrugged.

Emily went to protest, but Bobby beat her to it. "It ain't that simple. The person in the shaking tent has to have a connection to the spirit."

"Connection?" Emily asked.

"Has to have met the spirit. Had some kind of personal interaction with it." Bobby looked between Emily and Dean.

"That bastard chewed up my ankle pretty good. I'll do it." Dean shrugged

The hunters finished up their meal and Emily pulled Dean off to the side while Sam and Bobby discussed a section of lore. "Dean, I have a connection with that Cat too. You don't have to do this."

"I'm not letting you in that tent." Heat rose in Emily's eyes. "I mean-" Dean sighed. "I would like to take care of this. It tried to kill you. It has to die." Emily sprused her lips. She supposed she could let that slide. Dean took her hands, her left hand wrapped in bandages, and looked down. "I can't see you get hurt again. Let me do this for you." He gazed into her eyes and Emily could see whispers of pain he had carried in the last few months over her.

Emily sighed with a small smile on her face. "I guess if you are gonna give me those eyes." Dean ducked down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Bobby hit Sam with the back of his hand. The tall man jumped and shook his head from the reading he was doing sitting next to Bobby and looked where the old hunter was pointing. "What's goin on here?" Sam looked up and smiled when he saw Dean kiss Emily's cheek. Sam shrugged with an obviously bogus 'I don't know' look. "Bullshit. What do you know?" He kept his voice down as Dean and Emily were just across the room.

Sam was still smiling. "I don't know. Little danger. Little hunting. Spent the night in a tent in the woods. You know how these things work Bobby."

"I don't like it."

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