Supernatural: The Origins of a Hunter Part 1: Ignorance is Bliss

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     Eyeliner had never been something she enjoyed putting on, but it did make her blue eyes pop and this was a rare and special outing. The girls used to go out nearly every weekend during college, but after graduation the trips became fewer and fewer. Life just got in the way. Well, everyone else's life anyways. Emily had a waitressing job at a local café, but nothing truly held her down, nothing really advancing her life at the moment. Tracing the pencil along her waterline with a careful hand in the mirror, Emily tried not to stab her eye.

Emily's phone buzzed on the bathroom sink. "Shit" Her hand twitched, making a black smudge. The text message from Julia announced their arrival. She loved her old college roommates Julia and Rachel, she really did, but the car that honked its horn outside her window also held Trish, a mutual friend to put it nicely, a black haired bitch to put it plainly.

Wiping at the smudge in the corner of her eye Emily took one last look at herself in the full size mirror on the back of her bedroom closet door. The dark blue skinny jeans she picked showed off her round ass perfectly and hugged her hips leading to a slender waist. The fake gem encrusted belt buckle sparkled in the lamplight. Practically all of her cleavage hung out to the world in her off the shoulder purple crop top. Emily's breasts pushed up in the new bra gave the appearance of more bosom than she actually had, not that what she had wasn't already generous. The goal tonight was to be noticed and this outfit begged for eyes to follow.

The only reason she even had this outfit was because Julia had drug her out to the mall late last night in preparation for tonight. Tonight was the first time in three months all four girls had gotten to get together for a girls night. Julia was in grad school and never free. She was always running from class to class or working on a paper. If she actually got to finish all of her paperwork then she was working her full time job, night shift at a vaccine manufacturing company just outside the city. Rachel was always working. She was a nurse at the local hospital and worked some crazy hours. Trish was a realtor while putting herself through law school. And then there was her. Just a waitress with no plans.

Blond waves and curls spilled half way down her back and over her shoulders. Blue eyes enhanced by the dark eye makeup shocked even the owner of the eyes. Red lips, already begging to be kissed, puckered as she checked every angle of herself. Was this really her reflection, or something out of a magazine? Emily was impressed with her work.

Good enough she decided and blew a kiss and wink to herself in the mirror then she grabbed her keys and phone. Another vibration revealed the girls' impatience to get going. The time read 11:45pm. Already past the time they were supposed to be at the bar. The horn sounded again as she locked her apartment door. "Come on, Em! All the guys are gonna be taken by the time we get there!" That was Rachel, the girl leaned out the window of the passenger seat, her straight blond hair waved in the slight cool breeze.

"Im coming, Im coming!" Emily said, cowgirl boots beating the sidewalk as she ran to the car. The silver sedan was blaring music from the rolled down windows. Trish was driving tonight. That meant Emily was paying for a cab to get home. Without fail every time Trish was to DD she ended up drinking too much. Emily climbed in the back seat next to Julia. Rachel had shotgun. The car started moving before she had the door closed. Emily cursed Trish in her mind but kept her face pleasant. She refused to let Trish get to her tonight.

"I told you you would rock that top, Em!"Julia squeaked checking out the outfit. Her dark curls bouncing with every bubbly word that escaped her lips. "Those boobs! That ass!" Emily rolled her eyes at Julia, but smiled flashing teeth. She felt a little ridiculous but loved the way she looked all the same.

"Trish, make a left at the light and when we get there park a block away at the old church. Don't want cops seeing us get in the car drunk and you know they will be watching the bar's parking lot." Rachel was the mom of the group. She really did try to keep them all alive when they went out. Rachel was also the only one that when she DDed she didn't drink a drop the whole night. Why couldn't she have DDed tonight? Emily hadn't been out in a long while and she planned on getting wasted tonight.

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