Supernatural Origins of a Hunter Part 8: The Runaway

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It had been two weeks since Emily walked out of Bobby's house. Madison Wisconsin was lovely. The sun was shining, there was a warm breeze. The lakes were calm and many boats buzzed past leaving large wakes and the blissful sound of lapping water on the docks. To anyone else this might be a perfect summer getaway. To Emily it was just another bar. A bar on the water, but still a bar. She had spent two days here. Longer than anywhere she had stayed in a while.

Looking up and out at the water another boat went by. Two women in bikinis and two men clinking beer bottles. Young couples enjoying the sun. Emily took a deep breath and took a sip from her beer. She was itching to hit the road and get as far away as possible. There were demon signs in town she read about in the paper when she arrived. She thought just to stay the night because she was falling asleep at the wheel, but over her breakfast she read the demon signs and decided to stay and check it out.

Emily tossed back her drink and walked to her car. She climbed in the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. As she pulled from her car onto the street she heard thumping and muffled yells come from the trunk of the clunker she drove. "Shut it!" Emily yelled over her shoulder. The drive was long, but finally she pulled into the driveway of the abandoned house. She had warded the old, half fallen down house to the gills. Every piece of warding that she knew and then some more she found in a lore book from a library.

Emily stretched when she got out of the car and cracked her neck. The trunk creaked as she opened it to reveal a sweaty man in his late thirties. He was balding and overweight. He struggled against the bonds at his wrists and ankles. The gag muffled the obscenities he was spewing at her. Emily cut the bonds at his feet and pulled him up by his collar. "Stand." Emily commanded as the Demon struggled to get his feet under him. A shove sent him stumbling. "Walk." The devil's trap carved into his forehead prevented him from smoking out.

Once inside the old house Emily lit a candle as there was no power. The Demon she forced down into a chair and tied him to it. Without a word she dumped holy water on him from a gallon jug. Only a splash. The balding Demon sizzled and steam rose from him as he screamed. "Fuck you." Emily said nothing and moved to a chair in the corner. The Demon was in the center of the room on a painted devils trap to add a layer of protection to the one carved into his forehead. She just stared at him. Letting him squirm. "I will tell you nothing."

"We'll see." Emily leaned forward. "Why are there demons in town?"

"What, a demon can't just surface for some fun?" Emily splashed holy water and the demon howled.

"There have been demon signs all over the state. How many of you are there? What are you looking for?"

The man's eyes were hard. "Fuck. You. Winchester."

Emily was taken aback for a second, but quickly fixed her face. "I'm not a Winchester." Emily stood and walked to the edge of the devil's trap.

"Yes you are."

"What do you want with the Winchesters?" The demon flashed black eyes and smiled. Emily splashed more holy water. When the demon got quiet again she started in with more questions. "Who sent you to the surface? Who are you working for?" and other questions all looking for something. Anything to let her know what the demons were doing in the town. In The whole state. The demon gave her nothing but black eyes.

Emily sighed and opened the exorcism book. Candles flickered in the supernatural wind. The creature screamed. But in the end it was exercised. Emily threw the book to the ground and shook her head frustrated. That was the second demon and no new information. She thought about what it had called her. It called her a Winchester. Every demon knew who the Winchesters were. Why would he think she was a Winchester? Emily shook the thought from her head. Demons played mind games. That was all this was.

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