Supernatural The origins of a Hunter Part 9: The Power of Blood

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Dampness. Something wet clung to her. Dripped over her. A musty and metallic smell overcame her nose. Pain. In every part of her. She felt distant. Distant from her body, if that was possible. She tried to open her eyes, but the way was blocked. She had no command over her body.

A voice. "Well, there you are." It hissed. It was her voice, but not her words. "I was starting to wonder if it was that easy to snuff out the fight in you, Winchester." Emily fought for control to open her eyes. "If you want to see, then see." Emily's sight came to her. She was looking through her eyes but she had no control. Someone else was in charge here. The demon. Andras.

Emily screamed and fought against the wall in her mind blocking her from control. A wall. That's what it was. A wall was all that blocked her. I am not a Winchester. She thought as she slammed against the mental wall. Thrashed herself against the wall in her own mind to break it down, but it would not budge. The demon just let out a small laugh.

Blood trickled from her wrists. That was the dampness she felt. The knife that had cut her in her other hand. The stream of red liquid flowing into a bowl with runes carved into the side. The blood filled the bowel and dripped over the sides, falling into a carved sigil on the floor. "So sloppy, Performing my own ritual." The demon made another cut on her arm. Emily screamed in her head. "In the olden days I had creatures making sacrifices with the rising of every sun. Now..." Emily screamed and a long deep cut was made. "Now I have to get my hands dirty." The demon Licked the blood from the cut and squeezed her fist to pour more blood from her veins. "Hush" The demon said to the horrified scream in it's mind that it shared with Emily. "This will be over quickly."

The demon cut across her thigh and another cut across her middle sending more blood into the carved sigil on the concrete floor. Emily's shirt was cut and fell away revealing the scar from the Wendigo. "Oh, what's this, Winchester?" The demon ran Emily's finger over the puckered scar. Emily remembered the day she got the scar. The wendigo. "Nasty creatures Wendigos." The demon sounded care free and was enjoying himself. "I had several in my employ at one point of time. A very long time ago."

Emily shivered at the demon's touch. It was her own hand, but a forign and unwanted touch. "This holds a bad memory... and pain. Oh, and some good memories too." The demon was perusing through the memories around the scar. Dean flashed across her mind's eye. A kiss, a fight, pain, Dean's face over and over. "You love him. And you wonder why I called you Winchester." Pain stabbed Emily's heart thinking about Dean and the suffering she had heard in his voice over the phone.

whatshe wouldn't give to be safe in his ams again. The Demon laughed "Oh, Darling, this is just too easy". Andras carved the scar on her ribs open as deep as it ever was. Emily wailed and fought against the wall. She was fading. She could feel it.

"You know" Andras licked the blade savoring the taste of her blood. Emily was nearly sickened by the taste, but could not sicken without control of her body. "Most demons in my position think that sacrifices, and blood sacrifices specifically, have to have a reason behind them. Power, position, but," The demon paused to cut her other deep cut in her thigh, muscle tissue fraying. "I find that sacrifice just for the sake of it is more... satisfying." An evil grin split Emily's face, controlled by Andras. "Why do I have to accomplish anything with it? It frees one from the pressure of having a record of never having someone 'important' getting away and foiling your plans. Of course that's how I felt until you. You are special, you know that?" The demon considered the blade. "You are the only one, the only sacrifice, in five thousand years to get away. There is no power trip here. No, this is purely personal. This could be done with anyone," The demon tilted Emily's head. "but you got away and angered me, Winchester." Irritation and confusion at the name slid across her mind as she began to think of ways to escape although it seemed impossible. "The debt is paid really. The Loogaroo, disgusting creature, but she got the job done every time, paid the price. She stood for your blood when the sacrifice, you, escaped. But I can not stand for that. I never lose blood. Never lose a sacrifice half way through." A hint of annoyance, bordered on anger, slid from her teeth and Andras's voice.

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