Supernatural:The Origins of a Hunter Part 2: Whats Really Out There

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A drum, her head felt like an old beaten drum. Emily groaned as she pulled the covers over her head and placed a hand on her swirling stomach. She needed something for her head. Emily tossed the covers away and opened her eyes. That was not her night stand. And this was not her room. The walls were beige not blue. She did not remember getting home and apparently she never made it. Emily vaguely remembered leaving the bar with a guy with dark curls.

There was a cup of water on the nightstand. Emily realized her throat was a dessert and sipped at the cup as she sat up. Her head felt like there was an axe in it right between her eyes. The cup empty, she placed it back on the nightstand and looked around the room. It was a small motel room and she was alone. She wore her clothes from the night before. The other side of the bed was made, so she didn't think she had made it here with that guy, but how did she get here and where did he go? Sebastian was his name, she thought. Her boots were even still on she realized standing up. More water was the first order of business. She walked to the bathroom door on the other side of the small motel room using the little light pouring in from the closed curtains on the window by the door. Flipping the bathroom light on Emily made a small whimper at the brightness. Filling the glass cup she saw the scrape on her right palm. She looked at it puzzled, but shrugged it off. Another cup of water down and she wished she had a toothbrush, but getting home was more important.

Where were her friends? Emily thought sipping on a third cup of water. Her make-up was smudged badly. She put her face to the sink and grabbed a cloth. She couldn't remove it completely, but she fixed it enough to step out into public. A hazy memory floated across her mind; blood, sharp animal like teeth and running. It was a small memory, really no more than a flash, but it sent a cold shock through her body. The glass cup fell from her hand and she turned to run. She needed to be out of here. The glass shattered and crunched under her boot. Emily fell, slipping on the water now on the floor. Her forehead caught the edge of the toilet. A loud strangled agonizing sound escaped her throat as she lay there for a moment, her head spinning.

A pounding came from the door to the parking lot. "Emily! The gruff voice called. "Emily, are you alright?"

Emily put a hand to her forehead and when she pulled it away it was slick with blood. A flash of a tall man standing over a headless man slid across her vision the head laying nearby had sharp animal like teeth and she shrieked sitting up and sliding her back against the bathroom cabinet never removing her eyes from the front door thinking that the tall man had come back to remove her head too. Pain told her she had slid her hand across a shard of glass on the bathroom floor. The door burst open with a loud crack and daylight poured in. Emily screamed holding her head in her hands smearing blood across her face. The light sliced through her skull like a knife.

Two men entered, cloaked in the bright light. They held guns searching the room until their eyes landed on her huddled on the bathroom floor. "Emily!" A man with short dark blond hair held his hands up as he slowly approached her, lowering his gun. The other man stood just inside the doorway with his gun at his side.

Emily blinked through the light and looked up still holding her head. She recognized the man. "Dean?" Tears choked her voice and ran down her face.

"Emily, what happened? Why are you bleeding?" Dean looked around the bathroom, not convinced there was no threat in the room.

"What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" Emily pulled her hand away from her dead again. Her hand shook at the sight of all the blood.

"You don't remember anything from last night. Do you?" Dean held out a hand to help her up. Emily eyed him for a second and then accepted his hand.

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