Supernatural The Origins of a Hunter Part 10: The Cold Shoulder

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Emily took a deep breath and her eyes fluttered open. Her head hurt and sight did not come immediately. Everything was blurry. When she could focus more the room was lit by early morning light. She was in a bed in a motel room. Rolling her head toward the door she noticed a figure sitting in an old chair next to her. Sam had his arms folded across his chest and his head down taking in deep easy breaths. He was asleep. The rest of the motel room was quiet. It was just the two of them. No sign of Bobby or Dean.

Attempting to sit up, she found she was dressed in bandages. She felt like she was always in bandages. Pain pulled at her ribs and her thigh where the deepest cuts were stitched together. She gasped at the familiar pain of stitches straining. She didn't think she popped any, but it hurt nonetheless.

Sam sat up at the sound of her gasp. "Hey." Sam smiled sleepily rubbing exhaustion from his face. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I went through a wood chipper." Emily placed a hand on her ribs and pulled the blankets back to glance at her leg. It was wrapped in thick bandages, but she could tell it was bad. "Where are we?"

"Still in Illinois."

Emily nodded and then met Sam's brown eyes. "How long have I been out?"

"Almost five days."

Emily felt bone tired. "Sam, I'm so sorry that I left. I messed everything up. It was dangerous and stupid."

The tall man gave her an understanding look. "Noone blames you for what you went through, losing friends like that. It was hard. Bound to leave a few scars. I'm just glad you're back." Sam smiled. "We weren't sure you were going to make it. Even with Castiel's help."

"Who?" Emily asked

"Castiel. Our angel friend."

"Of course the Winchesters know an angel." Emily just shook her head. She paused thinking. "The demon..."

"Dean killed it. Couldn't have done it without your help. That was quick thinking using that sigil. Don't think I would have thought of that." Sam grabbed her hand. "I'm glad you're back. I missed your face."

Emily smiled at him "Thanks Sam." and then frowned down at her lap. "Dean." She sighed. " I need to apologize to him." Emily sighed deeper. "And Bobby. Where are they?"

"Just rest. They went on a hunt. They have been gone for two days but will be back tonight."

"Oh. ok." Emily bit her lip.

"Do you need anything?" Sam said getting up and stretching his long limbs.

"No I'm fine." Emily nodded to the glass of water and sandwich she hadn't noticed until now on her nightstand. "You look like you could use some sleep. Some real sleep. In a real bed." Sam had dark circles under his eyes and moved stiffly from trying to sleep in the old wooden chair.

Sam yawned. "Yeah I think you're right. Let me know if you need anything." He said plopping down on the second queen bed in the room. He started to lay down, but then propped himself up on an elbow and regarded her with a troubled look. "Em... When Dean gets back... just give him some time, ok?"


"He might not say it, but he is glad you are back. Just give him some time and he will come around."

Emily just looked at Sam and nodded. Dean left her and she was heartbroken and almost got herself killed hunting. Maybe she had the same effect on him. Worry set into her stomach. He was out hunting now. Hopefully he is not out there getting himself killed, Emily thought. Her only comfort was that Bobby was with him. He won't let the fool get himself killed.

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