chapter four

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"Lexi, hurry up. You're going to make us late."

Between having to tie my hair up in a ponytail and then needing to lace up my shoes, Kandi continues to wait by my side despite the time slowly ticking away. She likes to go by the others for an early stretch before doing one large session with the other girls. She's always been limber, quite flexible. Myself on the other hand struggles to do the splits after a year of cheer.

"You can always leave me," I say, looking up to her. My words are mumbled, bobby pins securely tucked at the corners of my lips. When I flip my hair over my head to pin the stray hairs, I can immediately tell she is rolling her eyes at my response.

I'm quick to jump off the bench, growing taller than Kandi. While it isn't much, about an inch or so, it's still more inches I have over her. Despite this, we're still some of the youngest, and smallest, girls on the team. The football team has certain players who are quite cocky regarding how much they can bench and will "bench us if we ask." Everytime it's a no from me as I don't see the need to be viewed as a sack of wheat that needs lifting.

"You always whine when I do," she retorts, throwing a jab in my direction. "And then you run up to meet my pace."

It's my turn to roll my eyes despite how true she is. It'd complain that she forgot something and continue to insist that that something is myself. Her patience is low, and standing forever is a bore to her.  

Kandi is quick on her toes, exiting the locker room before I can. The two of us walk side by side towards the cafeteria where our mats lay on one side of the large room, empty on the other half.

The girls huddle together in a circle at the center of the room, close together. Kandi and I are both confused, our steps decreasing in speed as each second passes. I place my hand on one of their shoulders, trying my hardest to steal at glance at what they're staring at.

"Did we receive new uniforms so late in the season?" I ask, feeling confused at the matter at hand. A head pops out of the center, and my confusion grows. "Garroth? What the hell are you doing here?"

He stares down at me for a moment. His hand reaches to the back of his neck, rubbing it from what I assume to be his nerves. I look down to the box in his hand, feeling my eyebrows furrow together.

Garroth's eyes break from mine to Kandi's, but I don't care much regarding it because I'm more focused on the shoe box. He looks around us, casting a sly side smile.

"Would you mind if I steal her for a moment?" He questions, receiving immediate approval from the other girls but a scowl from Kandi. Our coaches will be here any minute now.

He takes us into the hallway. I go to question why he's here and not on the field, but he inches the box closer to my hands. "You, um, left something at my house Friday. I thought it'd be best to return it."

"You could've given it to me after practice, Garroth. You'll be late," I tell him, reaching to open the box. My eyes widen at the words 'cheer me up and tackle homecoming with me?' plastered on the box and football. Somehow, what I assume to be my pom poms cushioning the ball. "This isn't a joke, right? You're genuine?"

He looks nervous, nodding his head in response and quickly directing his attention to the wall beside us. "Mommy came up with the idea," Garroth says, slowly bringing his attention back towards me. "I thought of asking you, but she thought it was a cute proposal on her pinterest because I'm on the football team and you cheer."

A smile breaks across my lips, unable to control it. "I will accept on one condition," I tell him, forcing my expression to become stern. "I get to wear your jersey the day of the game."



Third Person's POV

The ride home for Kandi and Garroth was silent. He was thrilled with the news of acceptance. Kandi, on the other hand, was pissed.

She didn't blame Alex for accepting Garroth's proposal. It was a simple dance, and Alex was oblivious to both Vylad and Garroth's feelings. It was only recently that she was beginning to catch onto Garroth's. But there was a tug on her heart knowing that Vylad was trying his hardest to think of a way to ask the blonde girl before his brother.

They didn't expect Garroth to ask her two days after he asked for glitter glue. Nor did they expect Zianna to help Garroth with it either. Zianna herself wasn't well aware of Vylad's feelings as he kept them hidden for so long. Garroth was giving tells Zianna had picked up on, and her sight went directly into tunnel vision.

Though, she was upset with Alex. Selfishly, she wanted her to say no. She wanted Garroth to be too late so Vylad could swoop in before him and get the girl. While she knows she shouldn't be upset with her, she couldn't help it.

But her anger to Garroth was justified in her mind.

The two Ro'meaves get out of his car, hearing the sound of the lock go off. Kandi stops for a moment, turning to Garroth.

"You're a fucking dick," she says, walking towards the door and entering the house. She's quick to b-line her way up the stairs and into her room, ignoring Garroth's calling for her and for reasoning before her profanities.

Minutes later, there's a knock on her door. She yells for Garroth to go away, but Vylad opens it in response. "I'm not Garroth," Vylad comments, scrunching his nose up. "Though, I think I figured out how to ask her."

"Garroth already did it. Today. She said yes."

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