♡ | T H E : A R C H E T Y P E S | ♡ CHAPTER 2

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'Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. 

Every kiss you give me makes me sicker.'

I entered the complex and bumped into Liam who was departing.

"Hello!" I spoke flustered.  

" How are you, Marina?" He asked politely.  

"Fine, and yourself?" I asked.  

" I'm just headed off to the gym." He said.  

I laughed.  

" I don't think I've ever stepped foot inside of a gym." I admitted embarassed.  

" You look fine." He gestured to my body.  

I smiled sweetly.  

"Bye Liam."  

" See you around."

Entering Harry's flat I called out for him.  

He stepped out of his bedroom, in only his briefs.  

My eyes glazed over his body greedily and then landed on his face. He was rubbing his eyes, still fighting off the sleepyness.

I smiled at him and then ran into his arms.  

He kissed my hair and pulled me closer.  

"I woke up and you weren't there." Harry began.  

" I was scared you ran for the hills." He squeezed me tighter and I sensed his anxiety.  

"When will you get it through your thick skull that I'm not going anywhere?" I huffed.  

He smiled at my reassurance.  

" I love you, baby."  

"Harry, you're such a sweet guy." I gushed.

I was on the phone, retrieving advice from Lana on the whole 'Cook' incident when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"I'm taking you out tonight,baby." Harry murmured into my ear.  

He kissed my neck and I shifted my head over, granting him more access.

" Lana, I have to go. I've been rudely interrupted." I explained.  

Lana's sultry laugh echoed through the phone.  

"Muah, love you doll." 

And I hung up.  

"Why don't you ever blow me a kiss when we talk on the phone?" Harry complained, still attached to me.  

I shrugged my shoulders.  

" Cause, I can do this instead." I rose on my toes and kissed his lips slowly.

Our foreheads rested against eachother, as we gazed into eachothers eyes.  

"Marina, I'm going to take you to a fashion show." He cut through my thoughts.  

" What!?" I exclaimes barely containing my excitement.  

"The day we met, you told me you loved fashion and colour so, I'm taking you to a Marc Jacobs show tonight."

I squeaked in pure joy. 

He actually remembers what I told him that day? 

I wrapped my arms around Harry and kissed him all over his face.

"So, is this the only way I can recieve affection from you." Harry said sarcastically.  

I rolled my eyes at him.  

" Are you saying I'm not affectionate?" I questioned.  

Harry nodded and began to belt out a song,

"All I want is the taste that your lips allow, 

My, my, my, my, oh give me love, 

My, my, my, my, oh give me love--"

I erupted into school-girl giggles.  

Playful Harry was my weakness.

" Stop laughing, Marina." He scolded.  

I laughed even louder and then he silenced me with a kiss.

" Go get dressed." He spun me around and gave my backside an encouraging slap.  

I looked back at him stunned at his rude behaviour.

I put on a cute printed, straplessMary Katrantzou dress.  

I hope Harry approved.

After perfecting my face and hair, I slipped on my shoes and went to look for Harry.  

He was in the living room.  

He turned around and faced me.  

He was dressed so fabulous.  

Harry sported a dotted button up alongside a well-fitted blazer.  

His hair was all rugged and sexy.

We now stood facing eachother.  

He tipped down and kissed me below my ear.  

" You look breath-taking, Marina." 

His words and close proximity made me want to ravish him.

" You look incredibly handsome." I complimented.  

He kissed me and pulled us out the door.

Harry really wanted this night to be perfect so, he even hired a driver and sat beside me in the back.  

He placed his hand on my knee and ran his fingers up and down.  

I began to get hot and bothered just from his touch.

Before, I did anything wild, I pulled out my phone and texted Lana.  

Half-way through a conversation, Harry's tongue ran down my neck in a soft erotic motion.  

I started to feel light-headed.  

Why must he torment me like this?

Arriving the venue, Harry stepped out of the car and waltzed to my side to open my door.  

I still hadn't grown used to such courtesoy. 

He held open my door and helped me out.  

I thanked the driver and we made our entrance.  

Paparazzi surrounded us.  

I clung to Harry's side and ignored them.  

One photographer asked for a picture of Harry and I.  

We stood together and smiled.  

The photographer politely thanked us and scurried away.

I scanned the room for any socialites or celebrities when my eyes fell upon a very familar figure.  

No! It can't be!

" LANA!" I shouted.


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