♡ | T H E : A R C H E T Y P E S | ♡ CHAPTER 5

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"Happiness hit her like a train on a track."

Lana was staying with us for the remaining week, I tried to convince her to stay longer but, she had commitements she had to uphold.

Lana suggested we go out to a club tonight.
My clubbing days were long gone.
I'd only frequent nightclubs in New York.
Harry was simply not induced.
I had to bat my eyes at him and pout; this whole charade ending up working and now we were off to the clubs.

Lana and I got dressed together and then we all exited the complex.

In the car, I couldn't take my eyes off of Harry.
He looked so handsome, I can't believe he's mine.

'For now'.
Electra taunted.

Our advent at the club consisted of us being bombarded by the sleazy paps of London.

Entering the club, we we're directed to the VIP section where we had our own dancefloor and bar.
Lana and I sat in a booth while the boys collected drinks.

We danced in our seats to the soporfic music.
Lana couldn't handle not dancing so, she hauled me off to the dancefloor.

We swayed to the music and got lost in its rhythm.
That's when I felt a pair of arms circle my waist.
I knew it was Harry.
And when I felt them, it was all wrong.
I looked up at Lana and she had worry written all over her face.
This isn't Harry.
I turned around and saw the devil himself.



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