♡ | T H E : A R C H E T Y P E S | ♡ CHAPTER 11

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'Check your handbook  

It's no trick  

Take the chapstick  

Put it on your lips  

Crack a smile  

Adjust my tie  

Know your boyfriend, unlike other guys.'

Harry and I sat in a very high-tones restaurant and ate in a comfortable silence.

I was minding my business and about to take another bite of my delicious fried-rice and tao chicken when I was distracted.

Two tables away stood the lord.

Not in the biblical sense it was Lord Disick.

Scott Disick had just entered the room and I was dumbfounded, he was one of my heros, Alongside; Britney, Marilyn and Rita.

Yes, I've just named all women regardless I had to introduce myself to Scott.

This is ridiculous, it's not going to happen.

Harry will chain me to him if he must.

I turned towards Harry and let Electra do all the talking.

"Sweetheart, I have to excuse myself to the ladies room." i batted my bambi eyes and gave him a naive smile.

"Hurry along, before your food gets cold." he dismissed

Electra sprung up and sped past him but, as I crossed the long dining room guilt rised through me and I didn't like lying to Harry.

I felt this pang at the bottom of my stomach, something I wasn't familar with.

Electra doesn't have a conscious..do I?

I strode and made my way infront of Scott Disick.

I probably going to make the biggest fool out of myself.

He was on his mobile phone and waiitng for his order.

How do I get his attention?

'Flash him."

I have more dignity than that, I responded to Electra's rude suggestion.

I settled for the classic cough. He hesitantly looked up and smiled widely at me.

Oh, dear lord.

"Hi, I'm Marina!" I squeaked out , flustered with nerves.

"Why, hello there."Scott responded slyly.

"I just wanted to come over and confess my complete admiration for you. I love Lord Disick." I blabbered out.

His laugh echoed throught the dining hall and I managed to cocneal my growning blush.

" I love admirers, especially socialite ones." 

"I'm no socialite." I confessed.  

"But, you are a primadonna." He spoke frankly.  

Was he referencing my song?  

"That songs my jam!" He exclaimed.  

I laughed hysterically.  

"It was lovely meeting you." I spoke politely.  

"You,too Marina. Hopefully we'll bump into eachother some time."He said imaginatively.  

"Bye, now!" I gushed.

I skipped back and my smile dropped after being confronted by Harry's ice-cold glare.  

Shit, he knows I lied.

'Stupid, stupid,stupid Marina. '

I reinstalled myself in my seat and avoided Harry's burning gaze.

"Marina." He spoke intimidatingly.

I kept my gaze to the floor, pretending to admire my shoes.

"Marina." He almost shouted.  

I lifted my gaze and found his intimidating one.

I bit my lip, feeling helpless and dismayed.

"What were you doing, talking to that man?" He asked sternly.  

I opened my mouth to speak but, shut it an defeat.

"Answer me." He pushed.  

"He was my role model as a scruffy teen and I wanted to meet him. That's it, Harry." I admitted helplessly.  

Harry considered my words.  

His eyes now judged me. He didn't look the least bit pleased.

"Don't you trust me?" I contemplated.  

"Of course, I trust you, It's the guys that make eyes at you that I don't trust." He admitted.  

"I'm sorry I behaved so childlishly." My admission seemed to have relaxed his gaze.  

"Don't apologize. My jealous tendencies got the best of me." His admission warmed my heart.  

I loved Harry's domineering ways but, I did not want him to suffocate me and now he understood my perspective.

"Tell me, when it gets too much. I'll stop, I do not wish to lose you." He placed his hand onto mine and squeezed my fingers.

I leaned across the table and kissed him lightly on the the lips.  

"I love you." My admission was full of hope and passion.  

I loved this man with all my heart.

The emotion I felt for him terrified me. I don't want to lose him --- ever.

"Marina, I love you." He responded.  

I was beaming at him.  

"Now, buy me dessert." I commanded.  

Harry smirked and accepted my command.

After a long and hard half-hour of convincing.  

I managed to persuade Harry into taking me out to visit Las Vegas.

I had dressed in my most exquisite evening dress and Harry and I were in the car headed for Caesar's Palace casino.

I looked over at Harry at several reprise just to admire his handsome attire.  

A man in a suit; it did things to me.

At our arrival, Harry shot out and held his hand out to escort me inside.

He slipped his arm around my waist and led us inside.

The palace was so beautiful.  

My eyes drifted around the room drinking in the utter extravagance.

Harry and I fit here.  

He was my King and I his Queen.  

And this our palace.  

I let my imagination run with me and then we made a b-line for the Casino.

Harry didn't like the idea of gambling, he felt it was dishonest but, me being the cyncial and devious girl I am, persuaded him to come gambling with me.

We played several games and I was behaving so recklessly thank god for Harry's assertiveness.

We were exiting the casino when someone roughly bumped into me.  

I was immediately pulled behind Harry.

"Hey. Watch yourself!" Harry shouted obviously furious.  

I peeked from behind Harry and there stood...  

Justin Bieber?


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