♡ | T H E : A R C H E T Y P E S | ♡ CHAPTER 7

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'Though I can see clearly what's ahead of me 

I cannot stop it once I'm set a-spinning 

What can it mean, why must I always see 

The ending at the beginning?'

It was around 1 in the morning and I was dancing with a drink in my hand, with the lovely Lana Del Rey.

Let's be honest, I'm piss drunk.  

Lana and I had a major case of the giggles and it was simply uncurable.  

I was dancing all sloppy to Azealia Banks' 212, when Harry stepped in and confinscated my drink.

"Hey!" I shouted.  

Harry looked at me, disapprovingly.  

I clung onto Lana and continue to dance rudely.

Harry wrapped his fingers around my wrist.  

I've never noticed how massive his hands are.

I took his hand and inspected his fingers. 

"Harry, you have massive hands!" I slurred.  

Harry chuckled.  

I continued to analyze his hands, marvelled by their size.  

"Lana! Look at how big Harry's hands are!" I shouted.

"Marina, let's get you home." Harry spoke.  

" I don't want to go home. I want to dance with Lana!" I whined.  

"Don't make me drag you out of here." Harry spoke firmly.  

"You wouldn't dare!" I tested.  

"Try me." Harry retailated.  

I looked him dead in the eye and then attemped at making a run for it. But, it was too late.  

Harry had already picked me, up and slapped me over his shoulder.

I protested the whole way out.  

I was placed in the passenger seat and then Harry loomed over me and buckled me up.

I pulled him into me, and kissed him hard.  

Harry kissed me back but, pulled away moments later.  

I pouted at him.

"I don't want to take advantage of you, when you're in this state. " Harry whispered.  

I kept to my petty attitude.

Harry gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek and his long finger ran down my face.  

"I love you, baby." His words were so candid.  

"Harry, you are so sweet and sexy. I'm so lucky you're my boyfriend." I babbled.  

Harry pinched my cheek and kissed me on the mouth this time.

I watched him gracefully make his way around the vehicle and hop in.

Harry carried me into his flat, because I had lost all abililty to walk.  

He set me down on our bed and began to remove me shoes.

" Where's Lana?" I asked tiredly.  

" She wanted to stay for a bit longer." He explained.  

I nodded and rose from the bed.  

I turned my back towards Harry.

" Can you unzip my dress?" I questioned flirtatiously.  

Harry bit his lip and tried to cover his smirk.  

"It would be an honor." He declared.  

I laughed and he peeled my dress off of me.  

He kissed my shoulder and then moved to my neck.

I began to feel hot and bothered and shifted away from Harry.  

I rose and strode to the walk-in closet, where I changed into silk pyjamas.

When, I returned Harry was still sat where I left him and his shirt was now unbuttoned, revealed a chiseled chest.  

Wow, he was quite beautiful.

I sat down directly infront of him and ran my fingers through his soft locks.  

He looked absolutely marvelous in this lightning and his eyes darkened by the minute.  

I was unbelievable tired but, I longed to feel Harry.

" Harry?" I asked my voice quiet. 

" Yes, my love."  

"Make love to me, please." I urged.  

He looked into my eyes for certainty and plunged me into the bed, covering me in kisses.

Oh, My.


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