♡ | T H E : A R C H E T Y P E S | ♡ CHAPTER 18

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'One track mind, 

One track heart 

If I fail,  

I'll fall apart 

Maybe it is all a test 

Cause I feel like I'm the worst 

So I always act like I'm the best.'

"Miss, what would you like to drink?"  

A stuartist asked politely.

I looked up from my episode of Misfits and took a moment to decide.

"I'll have a Fanta." I finally decided.  

The woman smiled and grabbed a Fanta can.  

I took a sip and now looked over at Harry's concentrated decision face.

"For myself, a Pepsi, please." 

The woman grabbed the can of Pepsi and offered it to Harry.

At our arrival, we safely landed in JFK airport.  

We we're swarmed by paps, as usual and Harry clutched onto my head as we walked down to where our chauffeur awaited us.

We we're previously suppose to stay at The Ritz but, Harry immediately changed plans.  

I was glad he was thinking of me, I do not wish to recall the events of 'that dreadful night'.

So, instead Harry booked us in one of the most luxuriest hotels in NYC.  

The Waldorf.

I tried to talk him out of it by suggesting the four seasons but he kept on saying : 

" For godsakes, let me take care of you, Marina."  

And I swooned over his admission.

At the Waldorf, I felt like Alice.  

I've had my run of luxury but never anything this extravagant.

Harry led us to the front desk of the hotel to check-in.

The woman behind the desk, had eyes only for Harry.  

She was looking at him very indiscretly.  

Jealously began to burn inside me.  

He's mine, lady!

When she did take her eyes off Harry she only gazed at me momentarily and with an expresssion full of distaste.

When I looked up at Harry, he was completely oblivious to the females lingering gaze.  

He had eyes only for me.  

This warmed my heart.

And before I knew it Harry had collected the room keys and we were in the elevator.

It was only the two of us and in such an enclosed space I felt the electric pull between us. 

I gasped as the intensity grew.

"I feel it too."  

Harry murmured and grasped my hand.

Of course, Harry had to book us in the Presidential Suite of the Waldorf.

I was unloading my luggage, when Harry wrapped his arms around me and kissed me behind my neck.

"Marina, the interview is tonight." He spoke sadly.  

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