Outbreak of war and a joint new exercise

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Chapter 6
Outbreak of war and a joint new exercise

Chapter 6Outbreak of war and a joint new exercise

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At the academy:

"I'm sure you've heard the announcement. Schtrom has taken over the imperial capital. His objectives as far as yet unclear. So we can't form any specific strategies. But we will need to level up our fighting strength. An d'etat have been issued. We'd forge the skills of our soldiers, and in case of dire need, our students as well. So we're changing pace. We're about to start doing joint training sessions. You'll work along the students from the Knight Military Institute." The homeroom teacher concluded while the students listened carefully except Eric who looked out of the window still thinking about how to refine the process of creating nullify magic.

After the teacher left though, all students started sulking and groaning.

"What's the matter? Why are those weird looks on your faces?" Shin asked.

"Oh yeah! Guess this is new to you." August said.

"Basically, we don't do a lot of physical training because we focus mainly on improving our magic." Maria explained.

"I knew that much." Shin crossed his arms.

"But students from Knight Military Institute work out all day." Maria said.

"They're fighters, right? They need to." Shin said.

"Well, they're also bullies who mock us whenever they see us." Maria clenched her fist while others nodded. "They call us little bean sprouts."

"Though I must admit it stings, we sometimes get back at them calling muscle heads." Thor laughed.

'Wait, there are bean sprouts in this world? I love those.' Shin thought.

"We need to put aside all these though. These are extreme circumstances." Shin tried to reason with them.

"We know but we don't like others calling us sprouts." Maria pouted.

Soon other students started complaining too and Shin stood there watching them.

Once he saw things getting heated up, he tried to interfere.
"Woah there...we need to respect each other and learn to get along with them."

But that backfired when Maria glared at Shin. "It's easy for you to say because you can use both magic and sword."

They soon find out that Shin and Eric were trained by Michael and they started swooning again.

"Well if you were taught by the sword saint, the students from Knight Military Institute can't talk bad about you two." Alice cheered.

"Please don't talk to them like that. I think both the school can benefit from this joint training. We have the same objective, don't we? That's what matters. Forget the sprout thing." Shin tried motivate them but the girls turned to him with a glare.

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