"... Five more minutes..."Luffy muttered in his bed.BANG!!
Luffy's bedroom door was burst open by Ace. He saw Luffy was still in his bed and started to get irritated.
"Get your ass out of the bed and get ready for school!" Said Ace.
"But I don't want to go to school..." Luffy muttered in his bed.
"Come on Luffy, stop acting like a little child. You're a high school student now." Said Sabo, standing at the door to Luffy's room. Luffy groaned and earned a hit on his head.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Just get yourself out of the bed and get ready, or your breakfast will be ruined." Said Ace.
"Oh! Really? Ok I'm up." Said Luffy cheerfully while jumping out of the bed and started to get dressed up. "Such a little kid." Ace Sighed.
" Yeah, he'll never change." Said Sabo.
--------------------------------"God! Where the hell am I ?" Muttered Zoro, half confused, half irritated.
"Oi!! Zoro!!" He heard someone calling from behind.
"Oh! Chopper, Usopp, it's you."
"Zoro, why are you standing in the middle of the street?" Asked Chopper.
"I know why, he's lost again." Said Usopp, trying hard not to laugh.
"No I'm not!" Said Zoro, feeling a bit angry.
"Zoro, can you walk straight?"
"Of course I can! Why did you ask?" Said Zoro.
"Because the school is at the end of this street, and I saw you kept walking in circle around this area for about fifteen minutes before I call you." Said Usopp, now trying really hard not to laugh and Chopper already burst into laughing.
"WHAT!!" Yelled Zoro, a few people turned to look at him.
"So you two already saw me and laughed at me for fifteen minutes?"
"Yeah." Said Usopp and Chopper in unison.
"I'm going to kill you two some day."
"Sorry, it was just too funny." Zoro glared at them before hearing someone calling from behind again.
"Oi! Zoro! Usopp! Chopper!" It was Nami, and Robin, Brook, Franky and Sanji were walking behind her.
"It's good to see you all again." Said Nami cheerfully.
"Oh hi Nami." Said Usopp.
"How are you guys doing?" Asked Chopper.
"I'm SUUUUUPER good, how about you guys?" Yelled Franky.
"Zoro got lost again five minutes ago." Said Usopp, laughing again.
"No I didn't." Said Zoro.
"You're still an idiot, Marimo." Said Sanji while smirking.
"You wanna fight, Stupid Cook?"
"Yeah! Bring it on! Shitty Marimo!"
"Stop arguing you two idiots! We don't have time for you to fight! We're running late now you know? So shut up and get you're asses moved on!"
"Yes Nami-swan! You're still so cute when you're angry!" Sanji's eye turned into a heart.
"Tsk! Stupid love cook."
"Eh! What did you say you god damn Marimo? "
"I said you're a stupid love cook."
"You want to fight? "
"Yeah! Stupid eyebrow!"
"I said STOP you two!" The rest of them were standing behind the three and giggling.
"Well, I guess this is what you call youth, Yohohohohohoho!" Said Brook.
—————————————————It was seven fifty-five now and Luffy hadn't shown up. The eight of them were waiting outside of the school gate and starting to get tired. "Maybe we should get inside now, the bell is going to ring in a few minutes." Suggested Usopp.
"Yeah, I agree with him, let's get inside." Said Nami. Before they entered the school they heard someone yelling behind them.
"Heeeeeeeey Guuuuuuuuys!!! Wait for meeee!"
"Finally." muttered Nami under her breath.
"I'm ...( pant pant )"
"You're finally here!" Said Chopper happily.
"What took you so long?" Asked Usopp.
"I over slept a bit, and spent too much time eating breakfast, hehe."Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring
"Holy shit! The bell's ringing, we'd better get inside now or we will really be in trouble." Said Zoro.
"Shishishishi! New adventure in high school!" Yelled Luffy .
"I wonder what will our lives become in the future!"Their new lives in Grand Line High School finally began
--------------------------------Yes! My first chapter, never thought I could really write my own fanfic.Well I know it's a bit lame but I'll make it better in the future.
If you have any comment for the story please tell me, I'll be happy if you tell me how I can make this story better!
Thanks for reading!

Grand Line High School
FanfictionHey guys! This is My first Onepiece fanfic. Well, I've been thinking of this fic for a long time and I think it's pretty cool so I decided to start to write it. Here're something I want you guys to know : Devil Fruits will still be in this story and...