Hello~~~ I'm back~~~
Here's chapter No. 40~~~
Please enjoy~~~
------------------------------"Hey Luffy! How do we get there??" Asked Nami. In front of them was a cliff and a gigantic waterfall, and it was so deep that its bottom was not able to be seen.
"Oh, I got it." Said Luffy. He stretched long his right hand and grabbed the edge of the tower, and his left hand wrapped around everyone.
"On three. One, two--"
"Wait wait wait!! We're way to heavy--"
"Three!! Let's go!!" Shouted Luffy. He jumped off the cliff, and the five of them started to scream.
"Arghhhh!!! We'll crash into the other side!!!" Shouted Sanji. Chopper, Sogeking, and Nami were screaming madly.
"Shishishi!! Don't worry!!" Luffy took a deep breath and his body turned into a gigantic balloon. They hit the cliff and bounced backward, and bounced up to the edge of the tower. Luffy let go of them.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING???" Shouted the five.
"Ahahahaha!! Don't get angry. We didn't die! Ahahahaha!!" Said Luffy, laughing.
"WE ALMOST DID!!!" Shouted the five as they punched him in the face.
"I thought I was about to die!! You know??" Shouted Nami.
"Anyway, let's get inside and save them." She said, and the six ran inside the tower.
------------------------------"You stay here and fight them. I'll take these two to the Gate of Justice! Lucci!! Come with me!!" Shouted Spandam. Lucci
"Oi! Spanda!!" Shouted Franky.
"What?? I'm not going to be fooled by those craps anymore!!" Shouted Spandam.
"No, you want this really badly, huh?" Said Franky, opening his stomach, taking out a pile of paper that looked really old and faded of colors.
"Ah!! So you have it all the time!! Hand it over!! Quickly!! I'll let both of you go if you give it to me!!" Shouted Spandam, smirking greedily.
"Hand it over?? Of course not!!" He held it to midair, and spat out a ball of fire and burnt it to ash.
"WHAT?!?!?! WHY????" Shouted Spandam, screaming, scratching his own face, completely lost of words.
"A mission that cost five years ended in vain." Said Kalifa.
"How sarcastic." Said Kaku.
"A dream ship?? The best ship in the world?? Ha!! What a big fat joke!! I don't care how people see it!! But only the ships that are made by my own hands have the right to become the best ship in the world!! Because I made it!! Out of my own hands!!" Shouted Franky. Spandam was shaking with anger, frustration, and annoyance. He took out a sword, and when he was about to slash him, the wall of the room shattered and the six ran inside.
"Tsk!! How troublesome!! Let's go!!" Shouted Spandam. He dragged Robin by her hair and ran away with Lucci behind him. The rest of the CP9 all head for different directions, leaving Fukuro facing them.
"Hey!! Why'd they all run away!!" Shouted Luffy. Fukuro jumped to midair.
"Chapapa. This is our delaying tactic. Nico Robin is cuffed by the Kairoseki cuff. And each of us has a key. If you don't beat all of us then you'll never get to find the right key. Pretty clever, eh? Chapapa!" Said Fukuro, kicking the air, flying.
"How despicable you are!!" Shouted Luffy.
"Chapapa, we're a criminal organization, aren't we? Chapapa!" Said Fukuro.
"Aw!! I'm super~~ mad right now!! You'd better hand over the key or I'll smash your sorry face!!!" Shouted Franky as he punched Fukuro, but he floated away like a piece of paper.
"Kami-e!" Said Fukuro as he flew away. Franky and Chopper followed him.
"Guys!! We'll finish him!! Go find the others!!" Shouted Chopper.
"Yosh!! Let's go!!" Shouted Luffy. He ran away.
"Okay!! I'm sure he knows who he's gotta fight!! Let's go kick the other CP9's sorry asses!!" Shouted Sanji. They headed for different directions.
-----------------------------"Aw!! Strong Right!!" Shouted Franky as he punched Fukuro.
"Tekkai!!" He blocked it.
"Weapon Left!!" Franky attacked again, but Fukuro dodged all of the bullets again.
"Damn it!! I can't even hurt him!!" Said Franky, panting.
"Franky!! Let me help!!" Shouted Chopper.
"No!! Step aside!! I'll finish this bastard!!" Two cannons appeared on is shoulders.
"Whoa~ you have cannons on your shoulders??" Shouted Chopper, eyes twinkling.
"No, they are my shoulders. But I don't like to use it, they cause my shoulders to dislocate, and it hurts, ya know?" Said Franky.
"Oh yeah, that's quite painful, but they're still so cool!!" Said Chopper.
"Alright!! Franky Destroy Ho!! Tsuiseki Hodan!!" Shouted Franky.
"Eh?? Chasing cannons??" Shouted Chopper, eyes still twinkling.
"Here they come!!" Shouted Franky, and he sprinted toward Fukuro with his cannon firing.
"What the hell??" Shouted Fukuro and Chopper together.
"Hehe!! Strong Hammer!!" Franky removed the skin on his right hand and punched Fukuro, and this time, he hit him.
"Urgh..." Fukuro stepped backward, but didn't fall.
"Looks like we need something stronger." Said Franky as he connected both of his arms together with a T-shaped tube, and aimed at Fukuro.
"70mm Kokei 0.2 Cola Ho Coup de Vent!!" Shouted Franky, and he fired. The air that was compressed shot out at the speed of sound. Fukuro got hit in the stomach like he got hit by an invisible man. His stomach flattened and flew away. He smashed through the wall and fell to the floor, not moving anymore.
"How's that? Asshole!" Said Franky, panting.
"So cool~~~" Shouted Chopper.
"Yeah, I know. But that's only 20% of the true power, and that's the best I can do now. If only I have my bottles filled up, then I could finish him with the maximum of the power. Let's go to the kitchen and get cola. He'll wake up soon." Said Franky, Chopper nodded and the two headed for the kitchen. On the other hand, Nami was fighting Kumadori.
"Damn it!! What happened to his hair?? Why're they moving like squid tentacles???" Nami thought, panting. She was hiding behind a wall, holding her Clima-Tack very tightly.
"Oi yoi yoi!! You can hide now!! But you can't hide forever!! Show yourself and face me!! Yoi yoi!!" Shouted Kumadori.
"Shit!! What should I do now?? There's no way I--"
"I~see you!!" Kumadori appeared behind her soundlessly. Nami gasped and jumped backward, but his hair wrapped around her wrists, waist, and neck and hung her up to midair.
"Fuck!! I'm dead!!" She thought, gasping for air. The hair was tightening around her neck.
"Now, you die!! And I shall held a very stately funeral for you!! Yoi yoi!! So long!!" Shouted Kumadori as he held out his iron cane.
"HELP ME!!!!!" Nami shouted with all her might, and the wall behind them smashed and Franky and Chopper dashed out of the hole.
"Put her down!! Kumadori!!" Shouted Franky. Kumadori turned around.
"Yoi!! Isn't this our super hentai cyborg?? And the awesome reindeer!!" Shouted Kumadori.
"Ahahaha! You're so nice. I know I'm a super hentai cyborg. You're cool as well, man!" Said Franky, and Chopper was dancing next to him, and the three all laughed together as though there was no fight to be fought and no one to be rescued.
"Aw!! Almost forgot!!! Sorry!!" Shouted Franky, and both he and Chopper punched Kumadori at the same time. He fell backward and let go of Nami. She got rid of the hairs that were holding her and ran away.
"Take this!! Franky Iron Boxing!!!" Franky punched him rapidly in the face and Kumadori flew away
"Rumble!! Kokutei Cross!!" Shouted Chopper as he gave another punch in his stomach. He flew away even faster. Nami opened a door with a lock and Kumadori flew inside of it. Nami closed it immediately and locked it, and slid to the floor, panting.
"I thought I was gonna die..." Said Nami faintly.
"Let's find some cola before he gets out of it!! You two! Come and help me!" Said Franky, opening some drawers.
"Hey wait a second, isn't that the fridge??" Said Chopper, pointing at the place where Kumadori just flew into. It was an enormous fridge, at least three meters in height and two meters in length. The three's jaws all dropped on the floor.
"Damn it!! We heard you screamed before I could fill up my bottles, now we're doomed!" Said Franky, scratching his head.
"Shit!!" They all thought. And with a loud bang, the door behind them was smashed open. Fukuro was standing there.
"Holy shit!! Why did you wake up so soon??" Shouted Franky.
"That stupid technique could never beat me. Chapapa!!" Shouted Fukuro.
"Well yeah, that's only 20% of the really power!!" He dashed toward him, and Nami ran away when the three of them weren't looking.
"I'll leave those two to them. I got the key when I got caught by Kumadori. Robin..." She thought, running toward the stairs.
"Franky Iron Boxing!!!" Shouted Franky as he punched him rapidly. Fukuro blocked it.
"No use, Chapapa!" Said Fukuro.
"Tsk! Chopper!! Get the cola!! Quick!!" Shouted Franky, punching him again.
"But he's in there..."
"Just find a way and get it!!" Shouted Franky, and he got hit by Fukuro.
"Argh... I press my luck!!!" Shouted Chopper. He opened the fridge and grabbed three bottles.
"Oi!! The doors open--" He shut it closed immediately.
"Here!!" Shouted Chopper as he threw the bottles to Franky.
"Aw!! Thanks!!" He put them in his stomach.
"Aw!! Take this!! Oyasai Punch!!" Shouted Franky with a rather girly voice. It caused no damage. And Fukuro punched him.
"Chopper!! These are vegetable juice!!!" Franky shouted at him angrily. Chopper scratched his head and got another three bottles of drink.
"Aw!! Thanks!!" Franky put them in his stomach again.
"Hey, why fight?? We can solve the problem by communicating with each other. Sit down and let's have a talk." Said Franky casually, and Fukuro punched him again.
"Why the fuck did you give me green tea??? I want cola!!!" Shouted Franky again. Chopper looked at him with his eyes twinkling.
"Stop having that what-will-happen-if-I-give-him-some-other-drinks look!!!" Shouted Franky. Chopper scratched his head again and threw three bottles at him again.
"Thanks!!" He put them in his stomach for the third time.
"Aw!!! SUPER!!!!!" He shouted. Fukuro punched him again but he dodged it.
"This time, let me show you the true power of that technique!!" Said Franky, and he took out the T-shaped tube again and aimed at him.
"70mm Kokei 1.5 Max Cola Power Coup de Vent!!!" He shot the compressed air at him again, and this time the power rose dramatically and the 20% one could never be compared to it. Fukuro got hit in the stomach again, and this time it flattened even deeper than before. He let out a yell and flew to the wall and smashed through it, and fell down the cliff.
"Ha!! Take that!! You bastard!!" Shouted Franky. But a few seconds later he saw Fukuro flew up again.
"Geppo!!" Said Fukuro. Franky shouted with frustration and jumped out of the hole and grabbed hold of Fukuro.
"Hey!! What're you--"
"You're not able to fly like this, are you??" Said Franky, smirking.
"Err.... troublesome!" Fukuro started to spin, and Franky grabbed his leg as tightly as he could. After a few seconds he stopped. Franky's grip loosened.
"Drop dead! Chapapa!" Said Fukuro. Franky started to fall. But suddenly Franky's right hand appeared in front of Fukuro and grasped his face.
"He! You think I really would fall??" Franky jumped up and landed on his shoulder.
"I'll finish you now. Second fire!! 70mm Kokei 1.5 Max Cola Power Coup de Vent!!!" Franky fired for the second time, and this time the sound-speeded attack hit Fukuro right in the face in such short distance, blood splattered out if his mouth and he started to fall.
"Aw!! Thank god there's a waterfall." Franky started to fall as well. Fukuro fell to the first floor of the tower and Franky was falling next to the waterfall now, and he managed to get in the water.
"Franky Butterfly!!!" He swam up the waterfall in butterfly style, and after a few seconds later he climbed back to the place where Chopper was. And he was dumbstruck. Chopper was lying on the floor, panting, covered with cuts and bruises. Kumadori was standing in front of him.
"Damn you!! What've you done to him??" Shouted Franky, starting to punch him. Kumadori had broken out of the fridge while Franky and Fukuro were outside. Chopper groaned faintly.
"The efficacy of the Rumble Ball has already gone... I can't fight now... but if I eat another one within six hours then it'll be very dangerous...." He thought, and saw Franky got hit in the face. He shook his head.
"Whaayaaa!!! I go for broke again!!!" He reached his pocket and took out another Rumble Ball and ate it.
"Rumble!! Arm Point!!" He got up and punched Kumadori, but the form he was in was not Arm Point, instead, it was Jump Point.
"Damn it!!" Chopper thought, and saw Kumadori's iron cane swinging toward him.
"Guard Point!!" He changed, but failed again. He was in Heavy Point, and got hit in the stomach.
"Argh...!!" He flew away, and Franky started to punch him again.
"Damn it damn it damn it damn it!! They're all messed up!! I need Arm Point!!!" Chopper thought angrily, punching his own head.
"Aw!! Weapon Left!!" He heard Franky shouting. Kumadori jumped up and attacked.
"The chance!!" Chopper thought and sprinted behind him, and without being noticed by Chopper himself, his body turned into Arm Point.
"Eh?? When?? Whatever!! Kokutei Roseo Metel!!" Chopper punched Kumadori rapidly in the back. He yelled and fell frontward and collapsed to the floor.
"We... did it...." Said Chopper, panting, gasping for air.
"Yeah, I'll go get my cola now." Said Franky, panting as well, walking toward the fridge.
"Urgh....." They heard a grunt, and froze. Kumadori was getting up from the floor.
"Yoi... that hurts..." He mumbled. Franky grabbed as many bottles of cola as he could and sprinted back. Kumadori swung his iron cane at him and he flew away and smashed into the wall.
"Franky!!" Shouted Chopper, and he got hit and smashed into the wall too.
"Franky's not going to be able to fight after that long fight.... but if I eat three Rumble Balls, I'll...." He thought, scared. Kumadori was walking toward Franky, and Franky was trying to get up from the floor.
"Argh!!!! This's the last gamble!!!" He thought firmly, and he ate the third Rumble Ball, and his vision went black and could not think anymore.
"HOLY CRAP!!! WHAT IS THAT!?!?!?!?" Shouted Franky as he saw a gigantic monster standing behind Kumadori.
"Oi oi!! I know you're trying to fool me!! But I ain't stupid!!" Shouted Kumadori. He raised his cane and was about to attack, but a gigantic fist hit him and he flew to the wall.
"WHAT?!!?!?" Shouted Franky. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't see it clearly.
"GRRRRAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Chopper roared and started to punched the stuck-in-the-wall Kumadori rapidly. The wall smashed and he flew to the other side of the island.
"Is that Chopper....? That hat is his, I'm sure, but why'd he suddenly turned into a monster???" Franky thought, and saw Chopper turned and glared at him.
"H-Hey!! Chopper!! It's me!! Franky!! Don't you--" His fist flew toward him, and he jumped away.
"Shit!! He's insane!! I gotta get out of here!!" Franky stood up and sprinted off, Chopper roared and followed him, smashing anything that was blocking the way.Back to Nami--
"What was that?? A monster??" Thought Nami. She heard the roar. She shook that thought off her mind and continued running through a corridor. A few seconds later she entered a place like a hall. And suddenly, a rock fell down and smashed to the floor in front of her. She screamed and tripped over her foot and fell to the floor.
"What the hell???" She thought, and there was something else next to the rock, she went closer and found out what it was. It was Sanji, but his whole body was shining in a very unnatural way, and his face was covered with blood.
"SANJI-KUN!!!" Shouted Nami, hurrying over to him.
"Nami-san...." Sanji mumbled faintly.
"What happened??" Said Nami, looking at him worriedly.
"I just couldn't kick her...." He mumbled.
"What exactly happened??" Asked Nami as she sighed.Flashback--
Half an hour ago, Sanji--
"Where're the other guys?? Where's that fucking Jabra?? I've always wanted to kick him in the ass...." He muttered to himself. He saw a door and opened it, a smell of perfume and lotion came out of it.
"What the.... someone's taking a bath??" He entered, and saw Kalifa sitting at a table, reading a book.
"Oh, so you're the one I'm going to fight, huh?" Said Kalifa, looking up at him.
"You were.... taking at bath??" Asked Sanji.
"Yes, I was." Said Kalifa.
"Come sit down and have a cup of black tea." She gestured him to sit down.
"Hehe thanks." Said Sanji with a perverted look.
"Ah!! Wait!! I'm supposed to fight you and get the key to save Robin-chan!! Give it to me now!!" Shouted Sanji, standing up.
"Hm.... the key is somewhere in my clothes, and by somewhere, I mean anywhere." Said Kalifa.
"So you mean I'm gonna have to strip you??" Asked Sanji, that perverted look appearing on his face again.
"Yes, you do." Said Kalifa, fixing her hair in a rather sexy way. Sanji's eye turned into a heart, and Kalifa attacked. She kicked him in the face. He fell backward but didn't lost his balance. She kept on kicking and kicking, and Sanji was only dodging. After a few kicks, Sanji caught a chance and kicked her, but his foot stopped three centimeters in front of her face. Kalifa stopped.
"Why did you hold back?? There were lots of chances for you to finish me up, but you just let them go. Why??" Asked Kalifa.
"Because...." Sanji looked very stern.
"No matter what, I would never kick a woman, even if that woman is my opponent!!" Said Sanji firmly, clutching both of his hands. Kalifa sneered and pushed her glasses.
"Then that principle might have killed you." Said Kalifa coldly. And Sanji started to get kicked like a dummy.End of flashback--
"So that's what happened...." Nami sighed again. She got up.
"Sanji-kun, if we were in normal days and normal situations, I'd say you're a god damn idiot, but this time..." She looked away from him.
"I'd say that your principle is respectful, and only this time, just this time!" Said Nami, gripping her Clima-Tack tightly.
"I'll take revenge for you!!" Said Nami firmly, and sprinted toward the room where Kalifa was.
------------------------------Yes!! Part one is done!!!
And I'll update the second part as soon as possible!!!!Votes??
Followers?? Please??Thanks for reading!!!!

Grand Line High School
FanfictionHey guys! This is My first Onepiece fanfic. Well, I've been thinking of this fic for a long time and I think it's pretty cool so I decided to start to write it. Here're something I want you guys to know : Devil Fruits will still be in this story and...