It's Christmas

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Hi there~~
Here is chapter twelve~~
Please enjoy :)

Friday afternoon at school--

"Ahhh~~ school is finally over~~" Luffy yawned, and he got up from his seat.
"Class, hey class, EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!" Shouted Smoker.
"I didn't say class is over yet, so shut your mouths and remain in your seats!" Said Smoker, a bit pissed.
"I got something to tell you.
Christmas is coming, and the Christmas break starts on next week, so don't show your sorry faces up next week. And go home now! A bunch of asskids." He finished, and everyone cheered.
"Yeah!!!! Christmas break!!! I can sleep all day long!!!" Luffy yelled, and Usopp and Chopper joined him.
"Sleep!! Video games!!! Manga!!!! Yeah!!!!!!" The three of them were singing at the door to the room.
"Get out!! You three!!" Said Nami, and she kicked them in the butt.
"Ouch! That hurts! Nami!" They said, frowning, and they got up.
"Ok ok, that's enough!" Said Sanji.
"You want to go to Baratie? It's on me." He said. Baratie was the place where Sanji worked, and it was his home.
"Yes!!! I love the food there!!" Water was starting to come out of Luffy's mouth.
"NO!! Luffy!! You stay outside and we'll bring your food to you!! Do not go inside the restaurant!!" Said Sanji.
"Why~~~ I want to eat inside~~~" Luffy moaned.
"It's ok, Sanji. He won't be messing around there. I'll take care of him." Said Hancock.
"Ok, ok, if you say so." Said Sanji, he's eye turn into a heart, and Nami hit him on the head.
"Ow!! Nami-san..." Said Sanji a bit scared.
"I told you not to flirt with other girls, didn't I?" Said Nami angrily.
"Now, give me one hundred thousand Belly. That's the punishment." Said Nami.
"WHAT??? That's my salary for five months!" Yelled Sanji.
"Well, it's your fault. I did told you not to flirt with some other girls again." Said Nami innocently.
"Fine... I'll give you the money when we get there." Everyone sweat dropped.

At Baratie--

"Hey! Old man! I'm back." Sanji yelled when he went in the restaurant.
"Get to work, then." Said Zeff. He was Sanji's step father and the chef here, and he owned the restaurant.
"...That old man... Well, I gotta go now, guys. Make yourselves at home." Said Sanji, and he went into the kitchen.
"Hey Chopper, there's a new dish on the menu." Said Usopp.
"Really? What is it?" Asked Chopper.
"Fried reindeer." Said Usopp, and Chopper's face went pale.
"F-fried reindeer?" Said Chopper, and he gulped.
"Nah, just kidding!" And he burst into laughing.
"What the-- USOPP!!" Shouted Chopper, and he hit him in the stomach.
"Ow... that hurts..." Said Usopp in a weak voice, holding his stomach.
"Well, it's your fault. Sorry about that." Said Chopper, and he pouted.
"It's ok... I deserved that..." Said Usopp, still wasn't recovered from the hit.
"Ahhhhhhh......... I'm starving......" Luffy moaned.
"Be patient, Luffy, just wait for a bit longer." Said Hancock.
"But I want to eat now..." He moaned again.
"Ok ok, Luffy I'm coming." Sanji sprinted out of the kitchen and stopped at their table.
"My god! Luffy you were so loud! Everyone in the kitchen heard you." Said Sanji, and he held out the menu.
"Have you decided what you want to eat?" Asked Sanji.
"Yes!! I want to eat everything on the menu!!" Said Luffy, and his eyes turned into stars.
"No. May I take your order? Nami-san." Said Sanji like a waiter at a five-star restaurant.
"Wow, good service. I'll forgive you for this time, you don't have to give me the money. I would like a fruit salad, and a cup of black tea." Said Nami with a smile.
"Ok, and you, Robin-chan?"
"I would also like a fruit salad, and a cup of coffee." Said Robin, also smiling.
"And you, Hancock-san?"
"Uh... e-everything on the menu, please." Said Hancock, and she blushed slightly.
"Ok. Everythi-- WHAT?!?!" Shouted Sanji, couldn't believe his own ears.
"Yes, everything on the menu, please." Said Hancock, still blushing.
"O-ok, if you say so." Said Sanji, still a bit shocked.
"And the rest of you?"
"Spaghetti, please." Said Usopp.
"I just want coke." Said Franky.
"I would like a bottle of milk." Said Brook.
"I want cotton candy!" Said Chopper.
"Sorry, Chopper. We don't have cotton candy here. How about some chocolate cakes?" Said Sanji.
"Ok, that's still very delicious." Said Chopper happily.
"And you? Marimo?" Said Sanji unwillingly.
"Ah... waiter boy... I would like a bottle of sake." Said Zoro, and he smirked.
"You're underage." Said Sanji.
"I don't care just get one for me." Said Zoro, smirking.
"Anything else?" Said Sanji, he was angry now but he didn't show it.
"And spaghetti would be great." He finished.
"Ok, and that's all." And Sanji repeated everyone's order and made sure he wasn't mistaken.
"Your orders will arrive soon." Said Sanji, and he went back to the kitchen.
"Ah... it feels so good to humiliate him." Said Zoro with a satisfied look on his face.
"You're both idiots." Said Nami.
"Hey, do you guys have any plans for the Christmas break?" Asked Franky.
"Maybe we'll have a Christmas party or sleep over or something like that.
Why?" Said Nami.
"Well, Brook is going to have a concert at a theme park on next Wednesday, and I'm his manager. So can you guys come?" Said Franky.
"Yeah, will you come?" Said Brook.
"Yeah, of course we will." Said Usopp.
"And we can go eat hot pot after that." Said Chopper excitingly.
"Or we can have the Christmas party after that." Said Zoro.
"Ok, lets discuss that later, your orders are here." Said Sanji when he walk out of the kitchen with two plates on each of his hands and one on his head.
"Thank you Sanji!!" Said Luffy, and he tried to get the plates, but he failed.
"Uh-un, ladies first." Said Sanji, and he put the plates in front of Robin and Nami.
"Here you go." Said Sanji, and he turned to Hancock.
"I'm sorry, Hancock-san, I'm afraid you have to wait for a bit longer." Said Sanji.
"It's ok, you can give the others their food first." Said Hancock with a warm smile.
"Ok, Hancock-san." Said Sanji, and he went back to the kitchen.
"Hey, Luffy, why are you so quiet? You usually make loud noises when you're waiting for your food." Said Nami.
"Yeah, that's a bit strange." Said Usopp.
"Uh... Hancock told me to be quiet while waiting so I did what I was told." Said Luffy. Everyone was shocked when they heard those words came out of Luffy's mouth.
"Do what you were told?!?!?! Really??? You never do that! You always do whatever you want!!!" Said Zoro in disbelief.
"I guess this is the power of love. Yohohohohohoho~~." Said Brook.
"Ok, your orders are here." Said Sanji with more plates on his hands, arms and his head.
"Usopp, this is yours, Chopper your chocolate cake, Franky's coke, Brook's milk and Marimo your spaghetti and sake, and finally, everything on the menu." Said Sanji, and two men pushed a table full of food out of the kitchen.
"Whoa~~~ they look so delicious~~~" Said Luffy, and water was kept coming out of his mouth.
"Luffy, remember, table manners." Hancock reminded him.
"Oh, yeah, right." And he started to eat calmly, with a fork and a knife.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Where's the real Luffy???" Usopp screamed.
"The world is ending!!!!!!!" Nami screamed too.
"The end is coming!!!!!!" Chopper also screamed with the two. Zoro and Robin didn't scream like the three, but they looked very shocked. And Brook and Franky were taking pictures.
"What?" Asked Luffy blankly.
"You eat calmly!" Screamed Usopp.
"You eat with tableware!" Screamed Nami.
"You didn't stuff your mouth with food!" Screamed Chopper.
"It's the end!!!!!!" They screamed again.
"Well, the whole thing told us, women are powerful, and Luffy can eat like a human." Said Zoro.
"Is it strange for me to eat like this?" Asked Luffy.
"Yes!! And it's the creepiest thing I've ever seen in my life." Everyone said in unison.
"Oh, ok, then." Said Luffy, and he threw his fork and knife away and started to eat like a pig again.
"He's back!!!!!!" Everyone yelled.
"Ow... Luffy still looks so handsome when he's eating like this." Said Hancock, and she blushed again.

A few hours later--

"Wow that was awesome!" Said Luffy when they walk out of the restaurant.
"You still ate down the whole restaurant again!" Said Sanji angrily.
"Seriously, man, I'll never invite you to Baratie again! NEVER!"
"Well, don't be angry Sanji-kun. Just don't let him in next time." Said Nami jokingly.
"Yeah! I'll definitely do that!" Said Sanji irritably.
"So, what are we going to do now?" Asked Usopp.
"Sleep over at my place!" Shouted Luffy.
"That sounds nice." Said Usopp.
"Ok, then. Lets go get our stuff and meet at Luffy's house." Said Sanji.
"Hey! I've got a better idea.
Why don't you guys stay at my house until the break is over? We can go to some cool places during the days before Christmas and throw a party on Friday!" Said Luffy excitedly.
"Yeah! That sounds great!! Let's go." Said Chopper excitedly too.
"Ok, then. See you guys later." Said Luffy, and everyone went back home to prepare their stuff.

It's done~~
Chapter twelve~
But I think it's a bit boring.
Anyway, the next few chapters will be better, I've already got the story in my mind.


Thanks for reading~~~

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