The Sports Day : Part One

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It's me again~~
I finally got over 1k views~~
Super~~~~~~ happy!!!!!!!
Here's chapter No.24~~

"Luffy, I say one more time, get in your bed and lie still!!" Said Ace, annoyed.
"Ok, ok! I just can't wait anymore! Tomorrow's the Sports Day!!" Said Luffy, and he jumped onto his bed.
"If you want your wounds to open again and get kicked out of the competition, fine, I don't have any objection." Said Ace, walking to the door.
"Stupid Ace, I'm not that dumb!" He said, and stuck out his tongue.
"Just shut up, and sleep. I'm pretty sure if you don't get enough rest today Chopper definitely won't let you participate in the competitions." Said Ace, and he went back to his room.
"God..... this's so boring....." He frowned, and started rolling on his bed.
"Don't know what are those guys doing......" He muttered, and someone knocked on the door.
"Luffy? You're still awake?" It was Sabo.
"Yeah, what's up?" He got up, and opened the door.
"You're on TV, come and check it out!" Said Sabo.
"Eh? Really???" Luffy shouted, and ran to the TV.
"Look! That's you!" Said Sabo.
"Someone recorded the whole incident."
"Whoa~~~~ I'm on TV~~ Shishishishishishi~~~" Luffy was now scratching his head and laughing and blushing slightly.
"Hey, everyone's on TV as well." The TV was showing a video of Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Law, Kid, Hancock, Monet and Bonney battling the Baroque Works.
"Looks like you're famous now." Said Sabo, Luffy was still laughing like an idiot.

Meanwhile at the others' house--

"What the hell...........?" Muttered Zoro, staring at the TV, he was training in the living room.

"We're on TV??" Sanji said to himself, a bit shock. He just finished doing the dishes.

"See? Chopper? The great warrior Master Usopp is famous now!!" Usopp said to Chopper, looking very proud.
"Wow!! You're so cool!!" Said Chopper, eyes twinkling.
"You're also on TV! You're as famous as I am!!" Said Usopp.
"Wow!! We're so cool!!" Shouted Chopper.

"No! No! No! No! No! Nooooooooooo!!!!" Shouted Nami, starting to cry.
"Nami-san, calm down, it's no big deal." Said Vivi, trying to calm her down.
"No, you don't understand..... if Sengoku sees this he definitely will expel us....." Said Nami, biting her handkerchief.
"Well, Nami, face it, Sengoku will see this, there's no chance he won't see this." Said Robin calmly.
"So you mean.........."
"Yes, he'll expel us."

"Hey Brook, we're on the newspaper." Said Franky, pointing at the title of the paper.
"'High school students defeated the criminal organization', sounds good. Yohohohoho~~"

"Hey, Trafalgar." Said Kid.
"What?" Said Law, drinking his tea.
"We're on TV." Said Kid, and Law spat the tea all out.
"What the hell?" He muttered, wiping the tea around his mouth away.
"Yes, really, we're on TV."
"God.....this's so troublesome....."
"Well, we'll see tomorrow, that old man might expel us." Said Monet.
"No, he won't." Said Bonney.
"Yes, he will." Said Law.

"Luffy........ you look so handsome on TV........ you're my hero........" Said Hancock, clutching her cushion and blushing madly on her sofa.

Back to Luffy's house--

"Ding~~" Luffy's phone vibrated.
"Hn? Nami?" He read the text message.
"Everyone tomorrow morning go straight to Sengoku's office or pay me one billion Belly!!!!!"
"Yes, yes, ok." He texted back, and went to bed.

Next morning at school--

"Is everyone here?" Nami asked, standing at the door to Sengoku's office.
"Yes, yes, we are." Said Zoro, yawning.
"God!! How can you guys be so calm?? He really might expel us!! And this time--"
"Chill out, Nami. We have a good reason this time." Said Luffy, grinning.
"Yeah but this time we fought a criminal organization! Not a stupid student gang!" Nami hissed, and the door swung open.
"Hello, students." Said Sengoku.
"Uh.....hi?" Said Luffy, and Nami hit his head.
"Sorry, we have something to tell you."
"Yes, I know, I heard it. You were quite loud actually." Said Sengoku, and he gestured them to come in.
"I've already heard about the whole incident, and I saw it on TV the previous night, and I know why you fought, and I'm very pleased that you're all very kind-hearted. But," He paused, looking very serious.
"This time, like Nami-san had said, you were not fighting a stupid student gang, you were fighting a criminal organization! You could've died in the battle!" Said Sengoku sternly.
"Yes, we know. But if we didn't fight Vivi would be dead now!" Luffy shouted. Sengoku opened his mouth, but no words came out.
"I know we really shouldn't fight, but we couldn't let Vivi die!! She's our friend!!" Shouted Luffy, and everyone nodded.
"I understand. But this time......" He sighed, and covered his eyes with his hand.
"Just go, today's the sports day, don't let me spoil the fun. Go relax, go have some fun." He waved his hand, and they went out the room.
"Oh, wait for a moment." He said, and they turned to face him.
"I have to apologize. I'm very sorry. Sorry for not believing you at the first place."
"Apology accepted." Said Luffy, and he grinned and waved him goodbye.
"Told you." Said Bonney. They're walking down the corridor.
"I knew he wouldn't expel us."
"Ok, ok. Shut up." Said Kid, and Bonney pinched him.
"Guys!! Let's go get changed!! The first race's starting in twenty minutes!!" Shouted Luffy, and he ran away.
"What's the first race?" Asked Vivi.
"It's the 200m men's sprint." Said Zoro.
"So are you all going to compete with each other?" Asked Nami.
"No, only Luffy and that stupid cook are, but I don't think that idiot can win. And we're all going for the next on, the 1600m relay race."
"Eh? Marimo! You want to fight?" Said Sanji angrily.
"Yeah! Bring it on you circle brows!"
"Cut it out! Idiots!!" Nami yanked the twos ear and dragged them to the changing room.
"Let's go, we all have to get changed." Said Robin, and they headed to the changing room.

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