Here's chapter thirty one~
Please enjoy~
------------------------------BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!
"God damn it! Who's banging on the door like this?? It's one in the morning!!" Zoro muttered as he went to the door.
"If you keep banging on it like that I swear I'm gonna kill you!!" He opened the door furiously, and saw a soaking wet Sanji standing in front of him. It was raining very heavily outside.
"What do you want? Stupid cook? It's one in the morning! Go home!!" Said Zoro impatiently, and he yawned.
"I'm screwed." He muttered.
"I'm screwed." He repeated.
".......What've you done?" Asked Zoro.
"I've done...... something stupid...." Said Sanji quietly.
"Just get in." Said Zoro, and Sanji walked in.
"Dry yourself first." Said Zoro, and he tossed him a towel, but he didn't move.
"Oi! Stupid cook!" He waved his hand in front of his face, but Sanji still didn't move. He was like a dead body standing in front of Zoro.
"STUPID COOK!! PERVY COOK!! CIRCLE BROWS!! PERVY KAPPA!! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!!!!!" He shouted, and Sanji looked up at him.
"Yes." He said miserably. He looked like he had lived a hundred years of misery, sadness, and loneliness.
"Then act like it!!" Said Zoro, annoyed.
".....Look man, I know you're very down now, but you have to overcome it. You know?" Said Zoro, and he put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's not the end of the world." Said Zoro, and suddenly, Sanji fell onto him and pushed him to the sofa.
"What the..."
"Nami-san.........." He started to sob and shake madly.
"Will you please get off?" Said Zoro with a very, very annoyed look on his face, and veins appeared on his forehead and neck.
"Nami-san............" He was sobbing even harder.
"I'll definitely kill you someday......." Said Zoro, very, very annoyed.Next morning(Saturday)--
Zoro woke up.
"What.......what's this circle thing........." He mumbled, still not wide awake, and his vision was still blurry too.
"Nami-san........." He heard Sanji voice, and suddenly, his vision went clear, and nearly got a heart attack. The circle thing was Sanji's eyebrow, and his lips were only a few centimeters away from his, already nose to nose. And Sanji opened his eyes as well.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!" Sanji fell off from Zoro and scrambled away, and Zoro jumped out from the sofa and fell on the floor.
"What the fuck are you doing????" Shouted Zoro, breathing very heavily.
"That's what I'm supposed to say!!!!!" He shouted back, also panting very hard. They stared at each other for a very long time, and Zoro broke the silence.
"F-Forget about t-that. What're you gonna do now?" Said Zoro, and Sanji shrugged.
"I don't know..... maybe I'll kill myself....." Said Sanji, and his face dimmed down.
"Well, that's a good idea." Said Zoro.
"What?? You wanna fight?? Marimo!!"
"Yeah!! Bring it all on!! Stupid cook!!" The two started fighting.At Robin's house--
"Huh?" Nami opened her eyes.
"Nami-san!! You're finally awake!!" Said Vivi, and she hugged her.
"W-What happened last night?" Asked Nami.
"You were yelling and screaming and crying for the whole night. And you had and bad fever last night." Said Robin worriedly.
"Did I?" Said Nami, she tried to sit up, and Vivi pushed her back down.
"No, Nami-san, just sleep. It's Saturday today." Said Vivi.
"No, I'm fine, let's do some study, ok? The tests are two weeks later." Said Nami, and she sat up.
"......Ok, but you stay in the bed." Said Robin.
"Ok, ok. So, what did I scream last night?" Asked Nami.
"Well....... most of it was about Sanji-san." Said Vivi, and Nami started to cry.
"A-Are you ok? Nami-san?" Asked Vivi.
"....I knew it.....I was d-dreaming about him f-for the whole night.......but those dreams....t-they were a-all blurry...." Said Nami, sobbing.
"I'm sorry....I shouldn't mention him....." Said Vivi, and Robin went out her room and got her a cup of tea.
"Let's not think about him now. Nami, do you think you'll.......get a new boyfriend?" Asked Robin.
"I don't know......maybe not so fast. The boys in our gang all have a girlfriend, well not all of them. But I'll never consider those guys." Said Nami.
"Brook and Franky....they're perverts. Chopper's not interested in human, and Usopp's already had someone in his mind."
"What?!" Shouted Vivi.
"Yeah, he met her at the Halloween party. Her name's Kaya. She's always reading alone in the back of our classroom, and Usopp's telling her stories he made up on his own everyday." Said Nami.
"Oh, ok......." Said Vivi.
"So Nami, does Sanji still have a chance?" Asked Robin, and Nami looked down.
"I......don't really know. I'm really not sure if I should forgive him.....I think I'll just wait and see if he's really not in love with me anymore, or he's just a bit too hotheaded." Said Nami, and there was a awkward silence.
"Oh.........alright. Nami-san, do you need any help with chemistry?" Vivi broke the silence, and brought them back to the world of textbooks again.

Grand Line High School
FanfictionHey guys! This is My first Onepiece fanfic. Well, I've been thinking of this fic for a long time and I think it's pretty cool so I decided to start to write it. Here're something I want you guys to know : Devil Fruits will still be in this story and...