2. A Lady's Duty (Persephone)

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Persephone struggled to get out of the bed the next morning. She'd spent the entire night trying to muffle her sobs into her pillow, and in the brief moments that she did sleep, she was plagued by nightmares. Had Moira and Alis not dragged her from the safe cocoon of her blankets, she likely would have stayed there all day. 

"Lazing about won't make you feel any better," Moira scolded as she forced Percy into the bath. "You skipped your lessons yesterday and I won't have you doing the same again today."

Percy sighed, annoyed to know that she'd be cooped up in the small library for the majority of the day being asked to recite ancient scripture or the history of the Spring Court. She'd never been all that good at sitting still for long periods of time, but Moira detested it when she fidgeted about throughout her lesson. If she so much as starting tapping her fingers against her thigh, Moira would begin a lecture on self-control and politeness, which would bore Percy to tears. 

The only time she really enjoyed Moira's teachings was their once weekly etiquette lessons. This was when Moira tended to something that Percy actually found interesting, such as dance or piano, sometimes even embroidery. Percy might not be able to see, but that didn't make her completely incompetent, and Moira wouldn't have the Spring Court embarrassed if the day ever came about that Percy actually needed to entertain real ladies. 

"I think the pink gown today," Moira told Alis once Percy was finished with her bath. She preferred bathing in the evening when she could take her time, but Moira had more control over Percy's life than Percy did. 

The familiar feeling of silk and lace was slid over her body and Alis made quick work of pulling her hair back into a half-up-half-down sort of style that Percy usually favored. 

"Since you slept in, there's no time for breakfast," Moira informed her, "but if you are dutiful in completing your work, we may be able to stop for an early lunch." 

Percy nodded her head obediently. Moira usually found a way of having her skip at least one meal a day as she was concerned with Percy's figure, which thanks to her heritage was apparently not as slim as other females. 

"So tell me, Persephone, which High Lord of Spring forged the original peace treaty with Summer?" Moira asked as they stepped into the library where most of their lessons were spent.

Percy sighed and began rattling off the answers to Moira's never ending list of questions.

The only thing that kept Percy's self control from shattering was the fact that come her seventeenth birthday, there was a very real possibility that she would no longer need a governess following behind her every step she took. No more lessons that lasted entire days or lectures that Percy could have recited in her sleep if she so wished.

Most females no longer had a governess past the age of sixteen, but Percy was a special case. For one, she hadn't been learning about this world since birth like most ladies did. She also never had any proper schooling until she was brought into her father's care. And of course, the small matter of her being blind. 

Frankly, Percy had felt that she'd been ready last year, but Moira had been less than impressed with her improvements. This year would be different, though. Percy had been attending her lessons diligently. She stayed up reciting poetry that she didn't care for or the names of every noble member of her court. Anything that she thought might help her pass Moira's test. 

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