29. Act of Treason (Persephone)

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They landed in a place of warmth and calm, so instantaneously different from the crushing presence of the manor that for a moment, Percy thought that she had dreamt the whole thing up. At least until a low violent growl split the air between them. 

Percy cringed into Morrigan's side, her hand gripping Feyre's limp one. She had stopped screaming, but now she was so still and so quiet...

"I did everything by the book," Morrigan said and Feyre was passed from her arms into someone else's. Percy tried to follow but Morrigan stopped her. 

"Then we're done here." Percy relaxed slightly at the sound of Rhysand's voice. He might have been the monster in every one of her father stories, but he was becoming less and less of one in hers. 

Morrigan's hand tightened around hers and then they were gone once more. It felt as if they might have bounced from court to court. Momentarily landing here or there before they were in the familiar surroundings of the Moonstone Palace. 

Percy stepped away from Morrigan, "Feyre..." 

"Feyre is fine," Morrigan assured her. "Sleeping in the room down the hall."

Percy started for the door, but Morrigan was there, blocking her once more. "Feyre will likely sleep through the rest of today and into tomorrow. For now, theres a hot bath waiting for you and I'm going to send one of the maids to fetch you something to eat."

"I'd like to be with Feyre," Percy insisted. "I don't want her to wake up alone." 

"Rhysand is watching over her," Morrigan assured, her tone distracted. "She'll not wake alone. Besides, you hardly look any better than her. Eat. Bathe. Rest. You can be with Feyre in the morning." 

The soft click of the door shutting signaled the end of the conversation. Percy took a single step towards the door before freezing. What had she done? What had she done agreeing to come here? Father would be... Cauldron, she couldn't even imagine his fury. And Moira... she'd just left Moira behind. After everything that she had done for her, she had just left Moira behind. 

Her breath seemed to catch in her throat. The weight of her betrayal dragged her to the floor. This was... this wasn't just betrayal either. Now that Amarantha was gone, Rhysand was her father's enemy above all others. Willingly going to him and abandoning Spring... that was treason. 

What would father do when she finally returned to him? Would he feel relief that his daughter was finally home? Would he snarl and rage and explode with his anger? Or would he... would he go so far as to refuse her entry back into Rosehall? To her home? 

Suddenly, Percy wanted nothing more than to return home - before her father could notice her absence. 

"It's not right for a child to fear their father so," A shadowy, feminine voice told her from the doorway. 

Percy startled slightly. She hadn't heard the door open - hadn't known that anyone had entered at all. Cauldron, how would she survive this place of treachery if she couldn't even recognize the sound of the damned door opening? 

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