12. Under The Mountain (Persephone)

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Percy felt that she had run out of tears by the time they made it to the coast nearly a week later. They'd been to a dozen different safe houses, moving east in a zigzag pattern that according to Moira, was designed by Lucien himself. They didn't stay anywhere more than a few hours, constantly moving and being moved. 

"This will do nicely," Moira said, voice tight as she examined the cabin that would be theirs for the journey. Percy was inclined to disagree based on the amount of allocated space alone, but did not dare voice her disagreement. Not when Moira was risking so much to get her to safety. 

The cabin was two small beds stacked atop one another and little else. Percy could actually touch the opposing walls just by stretching her arms out on either side of her body. This would likely be where she spent the majority of their journey - however long that would be. 

Percy had spent roughly nine years with the same exact surroundings. She'd known every stair and hall by heart. She could have walked them backwards or asleep, but for the first time in ages, she was being forced to encounter the real world. 

"We'll be leaving the harbour now," Moira stated as the boat jerked into motion. Her voice was thick with emotion and heavy with relief. This plan... this ridiculous plan might actually work. 

A soft thud sounded against the outside of the cabin, but not in the hall where one would suspect all kinds of noises. No, it came from... from the wall that lead to the outside of the ship. The one with the little port window that Moira had spent the first fifteen minutes pressed against. 

"Did you hear that?" Percy asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Hear what?" Moira asked. 

Another thud sounded. Then another. And another. One after the next, so quickly that Moira would have to be deaf not to hear them. 

"What in the world...?" Moira whispered to herself, and Percy could just make out her footsteps as she drifted over to the window. There was a sharp inhale of breath before she was suddenly snatching Percy's arm and dragging her from the room. 

"What is it?" Percy cried out, tripping over her own feet as she struggled to make her barings. 

"The forty-nine years ended at midnight last night," Moira said tightly. The loophole was no longer a possibility and as such... Amarantha had rights to the Spring Court lands. "Amarantha sent soldiers to track us. Their firing on the ship."

Almost as if on cue, screams began erupting from all around. 

"Firing on the ship?" Percy asked in disbelief. "With arrows? Surely that can't do any real damage?" 

"It can when their soldiers are from the Autumn Court and trained in Pyromancy," Moira hissed out. "The ships on fire." 

Dread settled deep in Percy's gut as the faint hint of smoke began overpowering the smell of mildew and salt. She let Moira drag her up the uneven stairs, tripping and stumbling the whole way, but moving as quickly as she was able, but other passengers were also making their way to the deck. 

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