7. Tests (Persephone)

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In the weeks after the Summer Court faeries death and their short lived trip out to the country, one thing became abundantly clear to Percy. Hope was not yet lost. It was clear that her father was affectionate towards Feyre and in return, Feyre seemed to be growing rather attached to him as well. Maybe, just maybe, they could find love and break their curse afterall. 

"She might come to love him for the paints he gives her alone," Lucien said wryly from where he lounged on the sofa beside Percy. 

She was practicing her needlework. While she might not be able to see, she could feel the change in texture. Every now and then she asked Lucien to choose a color for her that complimented the piece, and while she knew that he was likely choosing the most outlandish ones, she couldn't be truly bothered by it. 

"They've certainly been spending more time together," Percy noted. "He took her out on another ride today." 

"You're not bothered by it at all?" Lucien asked curiously. "Him spending all his time with her... being romantic with someone only a few years older than yourself? It's not strange?"

Percy shrugged, hands still skimming over her embroidery. "It's strange, but I'm not all that bothered by it. I understand why it's necessary and I'm glad that it's happening. And I suppose if it had to be any human, I'm glad that it's her."

Lucien sighed with reluctant agreement. "She's not so bad as I originally thought," he murmured. "I'm afraid that I'm even beginning to like her."

Percy huffed out a quiet laugh. "I think I am too... Perhaps I can get her to speak to Father on my behalf and beg him to end my lessons with Moira."

Lucien laughed lightly. "You've got two days to prove yourself a fine lady, Persephone... I'm sure your needlework will show just how exceptional you are to dear Moira." 

Percy grinned and slumped back into the sofa. "I'm going to give it to father as a gift - tell him that I've been working on it for days and days just for him. Do you think he'll bother telling me or do you think he'll lie to save my feelings?"

"I'm willing to bet on it," Lucien told her slyly. "Twenty gold pieces says that he starts laughing immediately - won't be able to hold it together in the slightest."

Percy folded her hands in her lap demurely. Constantly being told to act this way and act that way in order to be a lady had ensured she become rather adept at one thing in particular. Lying. "You're on. I think he'll try to lie to me - tell me it's my most beautiful piece yet. Another ten that the worst thing he says is that it's unique." 

Lucien snorted. "Unique is certainly a word for it." 

Percy sighed and placed her masterpiece off to the side. "Could you tell me the time?"

"Nearly one in the afternoon," Lucien answered her absently. 

Percy had spent the entire morning practicing all her ladylike skills. Tomorrow, anything and everything would be a test that she either passed or failed, and she wouldn't know which until the day after - when she turned seventeen. 

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