Stalker much?|Errormare ish

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Ok A/n first I'm really bad at making titles but short summary without giving away to much. Stars and bad Sanses make temporary truce to basically stalk Error.

Nobodies pov:

Ink, Dream, Blue and Sci have all been working on a type of camera that can go invisible so they can use it to spy on Error when he's in the Anti-void. They wanted to do this because they want to know more about Error and see what he does when he's alone.

So after months of trial and error they finally got it working but right as they finished it. (This is where nightmares gang comes in) The bad Sanses had interrupted them and they had to explain albeit reluctantly that they were gonna use the camera to spy on Error for informational purposes.

The gang also seemed to be interested in this plan so they asked Ink for a temporary truce so they could also see what happens. The Star Sanses agreed and Nightmare took the camera and placed it in the Anti-void since he has access to it and Error trusts him more.

So after he had placed the camera in and set it up making sure it's invisibility worked he finally left the Anti-void quickly before Error sensed him and came back. He than teleported back to both areas that had both gangs near by and said he had finished.

So they headed off to the Au where they would have the screen set up so they could watch (stalk) Error. The rest of the council was also joining them and had also been told of the temporary truce so no fights happened.

So after everyone settled down they turned on the screen and watched for a very slow and agonizing hour before Error finally appeared in the Anti-void. Once he finally appeared all eyes were on the screen and waiting to see what he would do.

(For the sake of the story the gang doesn't know that Error can knit/crochet)

But what they saw next surprised them to say the least, right there the destroyer of worlds was.. Knitting? Everyone was shocked or confused. 'the destroyer can create?'..'What since when did he knit?!'

They were all surprised but quickly recollected themselves so they did t miss anything important. After a bit Error finally got up while holding what he had just finished, it turned out to be a doll of.. Nightmare..? The gang looked at Nightmare to see his face full of blush. At the sight of it some of them snickered and gave him a Lenny face.

Nightmare just glared at them and went back to looking at the screen as did the rest of them. That's when Sci used a remote to maneuver the camera onto Errors shoulder as to see what he does when he leaves his make shift home.

After a while all they saw and heard was Error either grumbling to himself and or bandaging up old or fresh wounds. Nobody could hear what he was saying to himself but it seems that whatever it was it made Error pretty upset.

After a bit to their not so much surprise Fresh had dropped in and started annoying Error to the point where he threw him through a portal while yelling profanities at him. Some of the council including Nightmares gang were laughing at that.

Fresh came back later only to instantly get slammed into the floor by Error. Most of the council burst out laughing and had to calm down before looking back at the screen. Fresh had gotten up with the words "unread" spread across his glasses.

Error just rolled his eyes and told Fresh to leave but he didn't and decided to annoy Error some more. But what they didn't see coming is when Error threatened to take Freshes glasses and reveal his secret that Fresh backed down and went quiet.

They were all curious on what Fresh was hiding but to their luck they didn't have to wait to long to find out. Cause after about Fresh went back to being annoying and Error had enough of it so he used his strings and took Freshes glasses and tied them up to the ceiling of the Anti-void.

When Fresh finally faced the camera almost all of them gasped in surprise. His soul.. it was in his eye, it was so weird it was just there idly floating in his eye. Error looked at Fresh before saying that he knew he was a parasite all along while laughing.

They all wondered what he meant by parasite that is until Fresh or now known as the parasite had purple tentacles come out of his eye. They all were shocked but Error just rolled his eyes(?) And gave Fresh his glasses back Fresh than left the Anti-void.

After a while of just watching Error sit there and stare off into space some of the council got concerned for him since he wasn't moving. But after a bit longer he got up and pulled out a chocolate bar from his inventory to say that anyone was surprised by this would be a lie.

They always get reports from Fell saying that Error keeps stealing his chocolate and Fell is starting to hate Error for it. After a bit Error opened his mouth without even unwrapping the bar and had his five long blue tongues wrap around the chocolate bar as he shoved it into his mouth and down his throat.

Most of them were surprised by not just him not unwrapping the damn chocolate bar but by the fact that he had Five tongues Five! They did not expect that but after a while of Error just eating chocolate and staring off into space.

He finally decided to do something and opened a portal to Outertale. Outer was not phased by this because he has spotted the destroyer in his Au multiple times. But the council was a bit surprised that he wasn't destroying the Au. But instead he just walked up to a cliff and sat down and stared at the stars for a while.

After a while he got up and went back to the Anti-void and grabbed the puppet of Nightmare and went over to a hammock made of strings and fell asleep while cuddling the puppet. On the other hand Nightmare was a blushing mess because he did not expect this of Error at all.

After a bit he had calmed down enough to take his gang and leave back to their base. But once he got back he went straight to his office cause he did not feel like getting teased by the gang right now. So he just flopped down on his bed and decided to sleep to get his mind off it and calm down.

He and Error both had some wonderful dreams throughout their sleep..

1164 words!

Hope y'all enjoyed this one I kinda ran out of ideas near the end so decided to wrap it up with some wholesome stuff but other than that I hope you all enjoyed this first one I've made and have a great Day or Night!

Sans Au oneshots (mostly Error though)Where stories live. Discover now