I finally made an update!|Gang x Nightmare :]

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Ok really quick note right here,
In case y'all haven't noticed by my writing style I don't really make my characters talk much which might bother some but might not bother others but from now on I'm gonna try to make my characters talk more. :]

Onto the story!


(Haha) nobodies pov:

Nightmare was roaming through his mansion it was around midnight and he couldn't fall asleep so he just decided to walk around the place. Even though he knows where everything is by heart (soul?)

He still likes to wonder around out of boredom. But as of right now he was heading down the long hallway to the main room that connects to the kitchen to get coffee obviously. (I mean who doesn't want coffee in the morning?) As he was walking down the hallway he could've sworn he heard someone else behind him.

So he turned around to look but saw nothing just the long almost never ending hallway was behind him. He turned back around and kept walking and after a bit he finally reached the main room and headed to the kitchen to get his coffee.

Once Nightmare had got to the kitchen and began making his coffee he started to also think about his gang. For some reason he just couldn't stop thinking about them all of them.. they just made him feel emotions he thought he'd never feel again.

While thinking about them and picturing them in his mind. A small blush appeared on his face every little detail and the features on their bodies and their styles.. it just made him feel so fuzzy and warm inside when being around them.

(Cries this is more like nightmares pov T^T)

Nightmare got his coffee and walked out of the kitchen still thinking about the gang but what he didnt notice is that the gang had been in the kitchen with him the whole time. And is now very curious on what he is thinking about that makes him so happy.

So they all huddles together and started coming up with a plan.
(Omg I forgot to say what their talking looked like-.

Dust:papy no

There :'])

"Soooo who do you think or what you guys think Nightmare was thinking about?"
Killer said while giving the rest questioning looks.
"I bet he's thinking about someone, cause he was blushing."
"Maybe I mean he could be cause why else would he blush.."
"I don't know but who ever it is I wanna know. Nightmare said he couldn't feel love so I really wanna know."
"Yeah you got a point Horror. If Nightmare really is thinking about someone enough to not notice us than it must be someone very special."

Error said while looking at them. They all look at him before looking down thinking about what he said. Because now that they think about it he was right Nightmare was so caught up in thought that he didn't even notice his gang.

It made them even more curious now.  So they decided to look into it and find out what Nightmare is thinking about to make him forget his surroundings..

*Intense planning and invading personal space of noot noot*


After a while of them going through every possible scenario in their heads and making up a plan to figure out what Nightmare was thinking about they finally finished the plan.

They would keep an eye on Nightmare for the next week or so and try to find any clues on what he might be so concentrated on and so the plan would be set in action once they saw Nightmare again which didn't take too long seeing how Nightmare just appeared Infront of them an hour later.

✨Poof✨ Nightmare is magically Infront of them standing in the door way of the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face while staring them down.

"What are you idiots doing? It's sounds like you guys are planning to stalk someone with how much you seem to mention 'keeping an eye' on who ever it is." Nightmare said while sounding so done with the gang. (We all know he loves them-)

The whole gang just shoot glances at each other while practically breaking down in laughter because Nightmare had said exactly what they were going to do but to him and not just some random person.

Killer than spoke up while calming his laughs down. "Uhmm, well you see boss. Yes we are planning on I guess you could say stalking someone but you forgot the part where it is yo-" Cross slaps his hand over Killers face shutting him and preventing him from finishing that sentence.

"You numbskull! Don't tell him who it is! You will ruin the whole plan!" Cross yelled with annoyance while Killer just gave him an apologetic look still having his mouth covered by the others hand so he moved his head away and said a fake sounding apology.

"Sorry Cross I forgot that he wasn't supposed to knoww" while giving a sly smile after the 'apology'. But it seems that they had forgotten that Nightmare was in the room cause he spoke up again.

"What am I supposed to not know exactly? Is there something you lot are hiding from me?" He said sounding much angrier now with a stern look on his face. "Well you see the whole point of you not knowing is that you don't know so uhhh yeah you don't get to know. Sorry Nootnoot" Error said while giving Nightmare a look that says he will never get to know what their doing.

Nightmare just scowled before giving a low sigh and leaving the room. They all looked at each other again before they all let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. They all really felt like the plan was gonna fill right then and there but it's a good thing that Killer didn't spill it and Nightmare left the room.

Although they don't really know how they are gonna continue this plan now that Nightmare is suspicious of them and might watch what they do now. Which would make it harder to get to him and figure out what Nightmare was blushing about..


Bruh I'm sorry y'all but I ran out of ideas and motivation for this one T^T I tried to make it entertaining but i got no ideas. I might make a part two for it or like a continuation but this is it for now Sorry again. I just dont know how to continue this one. For GhamzehPmd

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