Two bird brains!?|Multi ship kinda

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This was requested but I'm really sorry I couldn't find a way to right this as lemons because I don't know how to so I made it fluff instead I hope you still like it though.

Nightmare x Swad Dream and DreamSwap Dream requested by GhamzehPmd


Nobodies pov:

Nightmare didn't know how to feel about what he was looking at. Right now there is two versions of his brother Dream standing in his office just staring at him, they have been like that for a while.

Although right now from what he can sense from them they are both confused but very pleased? With this situation right now he doesnt know why they are feeling that and it worries him a little bit.

But instead of focusing just on that he does take into notice that both versions of Dream have some pair of magical glowing wings. He's starting to think that they are part bird or something just from the wings.

They all just keep looking at each other until one of them looked at the other and gave him an annoyed face and then proceeded to walk up to Nightmare without warning and grab him.

Nightmare froze and gave the other a confused look while the other just snickered. "Now aren't you just pretty.." Nightmare was confused and was trying to comprehend what the bird dude just said.

Right now the other version of Dream who hadn't move which from the looks of it was Ds-Dream. He looked annoyed but unbothered at the same time. The one who had grabbed Nightmare and said that to him was a more evil looking of Ds-Dream.

Apparently this version of Dream was either called Swad Dream or SwapDream (correct me if I'm wrong -^-). Nightmare was to confused and busy observing the two that he barely reacted when he got picked up and brought outside of his office.

He only began to protest once he finally realized and was not enjoying what was going on. The other less evil looking Dream just followed the duo out and down the hallway. After a bit Nightmare gave up on struggling and just sat there pissed off in the arms of the other.

Ds-Dream broke the silence by saying something Nightmare did not expect "You look cute like that." 'Huh! Why are they both calling me cute?! What is this!!?!?' now Nightmare was confused and pissed he did not know what was going on.

Soon enough they reached the end of the hallway and are now in the main living room area. Nightmare was lucky that his gang wasn't here today or else they would be teasing him a lot.

They all headed over to the large couch and sat down on it with Nightmare still in the arms of the other. After a bit he set Nightmare down and began to cuddle him which confused Nightmare greatly, he got even more confused and flustered? When the other Also began to cuddle him.

They were now all sitting on the couch is a kind of forced cuddle pile. Nightmare couldn't move because as of right now he was trapped from both sides by both versions of Dream. But if he was being honest he actually kinda of enjoyed it because it wasn't often he actually did cuddle with people.

So after a bit he started to doze off from lack of movement and the warmth of the other two while cuddling. The others both noticed and smiled gentle but happy smiles and wrapped their wings around him and each other and also began to doze off slowly but surely.

Nightmare was very content with his situation right now but he knew when he woke up that both of them would still be there and it would be a hell of a day for Nightmare. But he was okay with that as long as the gang doesn't return while he is like this.

Otherwise he won't be able to live it down it would just be endless teasing and whatever else they can come up with. But other than that Nightmare is really enjoying this but won't admit it since he's Nightmare after all. But he has always wanted someone to treat him like this so for once this was a very calming moment for him.

He is fully prepared or as prepared as he can be for what will happen later on but right now he will just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow..

*Dies* I'm really sorry if this is bad but I tried and I am sorry for it not being lemon like requested but I just didn't know how to right lemon while doing a multi ship I am really sorry about that but. Besides that I hope you enjoyed reading this I kind of rain out of ideas towards the end so I cut it short because I didn't really have a plot to start off with so I couldn't do much but I hope you liked it anyway.

Also I forgot to do this but I'm going to put some base rules for requesting and stuff and I hope it doesn't upset anyone.

Rule 1. Please don't request dreammare ships or stuff where the brothers get shipped it awkward to write and makes me uncomfortable.

Rule 2. If you are going to request stuff please give me a plot of some sort.

Rule 3. If you don't like what I like or how the story comes out please don't comment rude stuff and just keep it to yourself.

And also guys please hold off on lemons for now because I need more practice with writing that. I hope you all understand. And also this will be the only dream x nightmare oneshot I will ever write since it was my first request.

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