Chapter 17 Part 3

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Rucheeka’s POV:

It had been about 3 days since the others had come to visit after me completely disappearing for a week. Victoria and Aarti had known I’d need them sooner or later so they’d made sure to pack bags and slept over at my family home for a few more days. The boys had slept over for one day and spent the next day with me, cheering me up, before heading back to London seeing as they had work the next day. I’d finally been able to cope with everything and become a little bit stronger and was ready to head back to London and face reality. The girls and I were currently on a train back to London after having my parents drop us off at the station. I’d given my parents the rundown of what had happened, and they’d hugged and comforted me saying everything would be fine sooner than later and that I should just trust them.

After everything Niall and I had been through I expected my parents to not like him anymore, but they surprised me by loving him even more than they had before. Whenever I asked them why their only answer was, “He loves you so much and we can see that. That’s all we could ever ask for.” That one answer would cause a smile to appear on my face and blush to spread across my cheeks. I couldn’t wait till I could see Niall again. It’d been a long week and I don’t think I would be able to survive this separation any longer. I always felt like texting or calling him but I know if Amy figured out she would do something terrible, not only to me but Niall as well.

Aarti, Victoria, and I, after about 2 hours, were stepping off of the train only to be met by four familiar faces. I ran towards where Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn were standing and hugged each one of them before saying, “You guys came to pick us up?” Liam laughed before saying, “Of course we did, needed to properly welcome you home then didn’t we?” I laughed but nodded. “Wait you guys didn’t tell Niall I was coming back right? I don’t want him to be even more upset than he already is. We’re both going to find this harder than it necessarily is.” They all nodded at me, sad looks on all of their faces. We all began to walk towards the exit of the train station while Liam pulled me away from the others. “I wanted to talk to you Rucheeka.” I nodded at him to continue. “Are you sure you want to go meet Mitch? I know you asked me to come with you, which I am, but I want you to be completely sure.” I breathed deeply while thinking because I still remember calling Liam and letting him know. The others knew but Liam was the one who’d always been like a protective older brother and forced me to let him come along to meet Mitch. “I’m sure about this. Knowing you’ll be there keeps me a little calmer, but yes I have to do this.” Liam nodded before kissing my forehead and leading us back over to join the others.


After dropping everyone off at Louis and Harry's flat, Liam and I were off to meet Mitch. Of course I was nervous but having Liam there calmed my nerves profusely. We decided to meet at a pizzeria that was on a more remote side of London, where not too many people would see us. As we walked in we looked around, only to spot Mitch already sitting at a table waiting for us. I looked at Liam and he nodded before we made our way over to where he was sitting. Sensing our presence Mitch looked up and offered a small smile. I slid into one of the seats opposite him while Liam sat down next to me. I took a good look at Mitch and he looked like a right mess. I remember him as someone who was composed and always made sure he looked good when now it looked like he hadn’t shaved in days, his hair wasn’t styled and he was in a jumper and trackies.

Before either Liam or I could get a word out he beat us to it, “I’m sorry.” His voice cracked a bit and I could tell that he genuinely meant it. I didn’t say anything, waiting for him to continue. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you Rucheeka. Not just from when I put you in the hospital but even before that when we were together. I treated you so badly even though I really did love you. I guess losing was all it took for me to realize how much I really did care about you, but by then you’d shunned me and I’d given up. I guess when I saw you with Niall after all the news articles and everything I was a little pissed, or playing the jealous ex. I was really drunk that night I hurt you but it’s not an excuse for the damage I did to you. I remember waking up realizing what I did and I felt so bad but I was too scared to look like a coward so I never said anything. Then that night all those days ago; I don’t even know what I was thinking. The minute Amy had said she’d help me get you back I was all game because all I wanted was you. Thing is though, when she’d hit you guys and insulted you I realized that I made a huge mistake agreeing to help Amy but honestly I was afraid of what she could do. After realizing that, I looked at Niall and you and all I could see was how much you loved each other and all that anger and revenge I had planned all went away because in the end I just wanted to make you happy, and if you’re happy with Niall then so be it. It's like the universe was giving me a second chance or something, and there was no way in hell that I would let it go. While you and Niall were talking I was secretly recording Amy confess everything knowing that sooner or later I'd be able to use it against her and I just wanted you to know."

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