Sky Inside Your Heart: Chapter 1

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*Note: Hey guys so i'm really excited about this story and hopefully you guys are too. I don't know why but wattpad isn't letting me change the title of this chapter to chapter 1 so bear with me. hopefully you guys like it and feedback is encouraged thank you :)*

For the past two years, each day was almost the exact same for me. It was rare when my daily schedule ever changed. I woke up at 8 for my first class at Uni, I attended my classes till 4, met up with my roommate, Victoria, and best friend Aarti for dinner and then did school work till about 11, after which I would fall asleep. Even though I was 19, I'd been single for 2 years after a few horrendous relationships, and frankly I was feeling quite lonely in the love department.

Victoria, Aarti and I would go out the club Saturday nights, but no one ever seemed to catch my eye. I usually had a few guys check me out, ask me to dance, or even buy me a drink, but I never found anyone remotely worthy after what I'd been through. I was looking for someone who would bring some light and love into my life and make me feel better as a person. Nowadays it felt like that would never happen.

I was sitting at my desk working on my English paper when Victoria came waltzing in with a huge smile on her face. I could tell something was up so I asked, "Why are you smiling? It's a little creepy." She scoffed and walked to her bed but soon turned to me and said, "I have huge news for you but you have to promise you will not kill or get mad at me." I knew I could trust her but sometimes she could be a little crazy. "Okay fine I promise I will not kill or get mad at you. Now tell me!"

She moved over to my bed so she was sitting right in front of me before she said, " I have set you up on a date with someone I know you are going to love so much." My jaw dropped when my mind finally processed what she'd said. My first reaction was, "What!?" I could not believe she had went and done this, especially knowing how I felt about these kinds of set ups. Before I could yell at her she cut in saying, “I know you’re mad but I swear on my life that you will love me for it. The guy is so perfect for you. Just give him a chance please? I was over at my friend Mark's house a few nights ago for a party and I saw this guy there and for some reason I just knew he was the perfect match for you! So i decided to ask Mark if he would do me a favor and ask if the guy would go on a blind date. I guess Mark convinced him enough and the guy agreed. Please do this for me?” She was giving me that look that I knew I couldn’t say no to. I can’t believe I’m doing this. “Fine just because I trust you I’ll do it.” Next thing I know Victoria is jumping off the bed and tackling me in a hug. This was going to be just great.

            After staying up till 1 AM to finish my paper, I decided to go to sleep. It felt like i'd been asleep only five minutes when I felt someone shaking and poking me, so I decided it was time to wake up. There on my bed sat Aarti and Victoria. I rolled my eyes at both of them, before getting up and yawning. I stretched my arms before turning to both of them with a raised eyebrow. “Let me guess. Victoria called you and told you didn’t she?” Aarti started laughing and nodded. I honestly had such crazy friends. I picked up my phone and checked the time, 10:30 am, Saturday May 18th, 2015.

Today was the day I went on my blind date. I left Victoria and Aarti in my room while I went and brushed my teeth and showered. Knowing these two girls were going to take me out shopping, I didn’t bother dressing up too much. I put on some tight, dark washed skinny jeans, and a cute yellow high-low top. Next came my hair. It’d grown a good amount so I decided to tease it a bit with some moose while it dried and went to work on my make-up. I went with eyeliner on my waterlines on both eyelids with some mascara, and a hint of blush on my cheeks. I stood back and looked myself over; I was ready for what these two crazy girls had in store for me.

Once the three of us headed out of our dorm room, we decided to do some shopping for my date that night. I was letting the other two do the work for me while i would just try on all the clothes. After 2 hours of continuous shopping we had found the perfect outfit. White skinny jeans matched with a dark purple blouse, and dark purple pumps. It seemed like too much for a date at a restaurant but when I wore it, it was simple but effective. We got back to our dorm around 3 pm and decided to lounge around and watch a movie till 6, before I had to start getting ready. We popped in The Titanic and soon the 3 of us were crying messes.

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