Chapter 10

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Rucheeka’s POV:

It had been a good month and half since Niall and I had started dating and everyday felt like the first. We spent so much time together but even then, never got tired of each other. I guess it was because we had our other friends around us, but we always made time for each other. I joined them on their little summer tour around the UK and Ireland for about a month and it flew by fast. They had come out with a new album that had caused a huge hysteria but they decided to tour America a few months later just to make it less stressful for everyone. Though we’d only been together for just over a month, it felt like much longer, which always put a smile on my face.

It was mid-August now and the days were still hot and summer was still very much here. On one of the off days the boys had, the 5 of them plus me, Victoria and Aarti decided to head to the beach. We decided to just have a beach day and then sleepover at Niall’s house, seeing as we’d all be together almost all day. We'd all been so excited and it only built when I had one of the best ideas I could have possibly had. When we'd all met up at Niall's house, around 12:00 PM, I spoke up to everyone, "Let's make our own music video today!" I got a lot of comical looks but they all went away when they saw how serious I was. "I just re-watched Tom Daley's Sexy and I Know It video and I honestly think we could do just as well." I looked around at everyone and I could slowly see smiles show up on everyone's faces. Zayn laughed before saying, "Looks like we all gotta go back home and pick up some speedos!" We all laughed before heading out of Niall's house to the two cars we were all riding in. Niall, Zayn, Liam and I were in one car and Harry, Louis, Aarti and Victoria in the other. After pit stops at each boy's houses we were off to the beach to enjoy the warm, sunny, summer weather.

After an hour long car ride we finally arrived at the beach. As soon as the cars were parked we were all running out of the car towards the sand like little five year olds. It took us a good 20 minutes to find a secluded area to actually settle down our stuff, not wanting fans to hound the boys and interrupt a quiet day off. We spread our stuff on the sand and turned up the volume on our iphone speakers. For the next 2 hours we all ate food, played around in the ocean or sand or tanned for a bit. I remembered my idea from before and turned to the rest of our little group and said, “Ready to film this music video guys?” I got smiles and nods in return and went to go fetch my video camera from my bag.

After setting everything up and making sure the boys were ready to freestyle the whole thing we turned the music on and began to shoot.

When I walk on by girls be looking like damn he fly.

While filming us 3 girls took turns videotaping and being in different scenes of the video, but most of the time we were dancing along anyway which made it easier. We made sure to change up the shots having the boys dancing in the ocean, rolling around on the sand, and best of all, striping into their speedos. Being Niall’s girlfriend, I had the honor of being in the shot when this would take place, and believe it or not I was definitely surprised. Who said these boys couldn’t dance?

I’m sexy and I know it

I laughed so much during the entire scene that once we’d finished I actually started crying. After a good hour of filming and dancing around we all collapsed onto our respective blankets and relaxed for a bit. “I can’t wait to edit this video and show it to you guys.” Niall turned to me before putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close, “Love you cheeks.” I smiled at him before he pressed his lips to mine, and on their own accord, my eyes fell shut and I kissed him back.

The eight of us decided to leave the beach about an hour later and after a long car ride, consisting of terrible traffic and obnoxious singing, we all arrived back at Niall’s house. I set my laptop up and began editing the video while the boys prepared lunch and Aarti and Victoria watched tv. After a good hour of editing and taking a break to bring my food over to my laptop, the video was finally done.

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