Chapter 19

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Niall's POV:

"Niall, it's time to do it already. You know it is.

"I looked over at Harry and said, "Well obviously I know that, but do you not understand how nerve wracking it is?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Obviously, but you love her so it shouldn't matter. I doubt she'd even care how you did it as long as you actually do it!"

I rolled my eyes at Harry before Liam said, "You're thinking too into this. Just make it really romantic and sentimental. Don't freak out so much."

Louis and Zayn both nodded at me and I knew the lads were right. Proposing to someone shouldn't be this nerve wracking but I was going crazy. "Well if you guys think it's so easy you guys help me think of something perfect. I know I could but I'd rather weigh in your opinions as well."

Zayn sat up from where he was lying on the sofa and said, "Well first off, do you want it to be public or private?"

I thought that over because yeah, that was important. "I have no idea actually. I know she'd want it to be intimate and personal but at the same time I want everyone to know because this is huge, I mean it's the first One Direction proposal." The other lads laughed but nodded to my idea.

Liam took out his phone before saying, "I'll type everything out so your thoughts are organized because us being your best friends are going to help you through the entire thing. Wait hold on, don't we have the matinee show coming up in the O2 next week?"

I perked up because that was the most brilliant idea. "Liam you are a genius. Of course I have to propose at our show, it's perfect. It will deviate her mind from thinking I will propose, and when I do, it'll be the ultimate surprise."

I saw mirrored smiles on all the other lads' faces and I knew I was right. This proposal was going to be the best surprise yet.


It had been a week since I'd been with the lads at my house planning the proposal and today, Saturday, was the day it would all go down. The nerves were eating away at me but every time I looked at the other lads they'd have reassuring smiles on their faces and I knew that no matter what they had my back and would make sure this ended up being perfect. In the past week leading up to tonight we'd talked to our management, our entire team and Simon, and we'd gotten reassurance that we could do whatever we wanted. At first we were worried they'd all say no but instead I'd gotten a thousand hugs and congratulations while the lads stood back and smiled, extremely happy for me. The five of us had a perfect plan for tonight. We were going to bring Rucheeka onstage and sit her down while we started out with singing her a song. Then we’d turn her so she is facing the screen and let her watch the slideshow of picture and videos of the two of us and our entire group from the past few years. And to end it all, I’d give a small speech before getting down on one knee and asking her. Yeah, it was perfect, as long as she said yes.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Liam and Zayn come to stand by my side before they said, “Snap out of it Niall. We know what you’re thinking. Everything is going to go perfectly and she WILL say yes.”

I smiled nervously at them but I felt calmer, “You guys are right, yeah, she’s going to say yes.”

They nodded before signaling for me to get in place because the show was about to start.


The show had been going really well so far; the crowd was hyped and whenever I looked backstage I could see huge smiles on Rucheeka, Victoria and Aarti’s faces. The girls were in on my plan and were the ones who had helped me with the pictures and video and we were about 5 minutes away from starting the whole thing. I’d made sure my outfit consisted of a loose t-shirt that covered my pockets so no one could see the outline of the ring box and give me away.

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