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Do you feel the same way as I do when we are together...♡


They heard Wen Chao screaming "Xiao Tangsan how dare you!" He yelled and the monster turned his long neck.

"Oopsies" Wei Wuxian muttered and Lan Wangji ran to help Tangsan and Xieyun who were almost there.

Tangsan walked out hastily and both the males ran back inside.

Wen Chao looked at the monster he trembled and backed away slowly but when the monster turned he ran inside hastily.

The monster roared and tried to shove his mouth in the small ways trying to catch the humans but failed.

"That was close!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed after they ran a little more inside.

"I was so scared" Xieyun pouted.

"Our brothers are so strong that they ran while carrying us" Wei Wuxian giggled.

"Yeah, I agree" Xieyun giggled as well.

"We are safe for now but we'll have to leave this cave soon" Tangsan sighed.

Lan Wangji nodded in agreement while he slowly made Wei Wuxian sit.

Wei Wuxian leaned on the wall.

"Aya gege for now take a break from worry and relax a little" Wei Wuxian whined.

Xieyun looked at Tangsan with red cheeks. Tangsan who felt a stare looked at Xieyun in confusion.

"Oh!" He realised that he was still carrying the younger one. He gently made him sit beside Wuxian who immediately side-hugged Xieyun.

"A-yun do you know I was so scared I felt like we are gonna stay here for our entire life!" He cried dramatically.

Xieyun being the naive bean he was, thought that Wei Wuxian was very sad and hugged him back.

"It's okay xian gege we will find a way please don't cry," he said cutely. Wuxian then pouted "you know your brother is a very cruel creature"

Xieyun tilted his head "huh? Why? Did gege hurt you somewhere?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head "he ignored me" he sulked. Xieyun hugged him while patting his head like a mom "Aww don't worry I will scold gege for ignoring you"

Lan Wangji looked at the two little figures in disbelief.

"You are gonna scold your gege? Gouzai" Lan Wangji exclaimed while pointing at himself, not believing what the little puppy said.

"Yes, yibo is angry on gege that gege ignored xian gege!" Xieyun pouted while crossing his arms with an angry pout before looking to the other side in anger.

"I am sorry?" Lan Wangji tried to convince the angry puppy. Wei Wuxian giggled enjoying the show.

"Don't apologize to me, you should apologize to Xian gege" the angry puppy said still looking in the other direction with puffed cheeks.

Wei Wuxian smiled mischievously at Lan Wangji who glared at him he immediately made an innocent bunny face.

"Oh no no, no need Hanguang Jun is such a great person how can he apologize to someone like me?" He said in a fake dejected voice.

Xiao Tangsan rolled his eyes at his dramatic brother "Tuzi don't be dramatic"

Xieyun frowned and looked at Tangsan "what do you mean by dramatic? Xian gege please don't feel like that if gege did mistake then he should surely apologize"

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