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At the Xuanwu Cave

Wen Chao had sneakily watched how the four princes were fighting the monster.

He gasped when Xieyun was thrown away so harshly that he lost consciousness.

He snickered All because of that Wei Wuxian my Xieyun got hurt that bitch should just die.

But his attention then went to Tangsan who was disturbed while killing the monster.

He smirked I hope the monster kills this man now

But soon he groaned in dissatisfaction when Tangsan and Wangji killed the monster.

The four princes made their way out of the cave and he came out of his hiding place.

He snickered at the dead body of that monster useless.

But when a memory of Tangsan being disturbed played in the back of his head and he again had that sinister smirk back on his not-so-handsome face.

At least you did the thing father assigned you.

Back to the four princes

It was before dawn when Wei Wuxian woke up and the first thing he saw was a ceiling made of dry grass. He looked beside him to see a pale, unconscious Xie yun.

He tried to sit up when he felt someone holding his hand. It was..... Lan Wangji.

Lan Zhan? Why is he holding my hand? He gently retrieved his hand from the grip of the sleeping man. He tried to sit again but hissed.

God damn! Even dying is better than this! He finally sat up and leaned back having the support of the wall.

He sighed and tried to remember everything. The last thing he remembers was having an unconscious Xie yun in his arms before he fainted.

He looked down and softly caressed Xie yun's head. The hit Xie yun got was pretty hard as the monster jerked him to a rocky wall. He could even die but thankfully he is safe.

Wei Wuxian then looked to the other side where Lan Wangji was. He still couldn't get what the man who is always annoyed with him was doing here, sitting beside him and holding his hand.

Ayaaaaaaaa so frustrating I'll just go out and have some fresh air Wei Wuxian slowly climbed down and started walking towards the door to have some fresh air.

He walked out and sat on the veranda. He looked around and felt so fresh. It was now dawn and Wei Wuxian couldn't believe how beautiful it was.

He was used to waking up late but now he regretted it as rising early wasn't a bad idea. The one who rose early could enjoy this beauty of nature.

After capturing the beauty as much as he can in his eyes. He closed his eyes and felt the fresh air.

After a couple of seconds he heard a voice "Wei Ying," he smiled faintly knowing the owner of the voice.

He opened his eyes and looked at the owner of the deep voice "Lan Zhan," he called out and softly patted the place beside him signalling him to sit with him.

Lan Wangji received the signal and obliged. Wei Wuxian smiled and Lan Wangji looked away from him feeling the tip of his ears turn red.

"Aya, you fuddy-duddy can't you look at me," Wuxian whined with a pout on his cherry-coloured lips.

Lan Wangji glanced at him and looked away again. How can he tell Wuxian that he feels weird sensations when he looks at him.

How can he tell him that he doesn't know what these feelings are and surprisingly he is liking them?

𝕷𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖄𝖎𝖓𝖄𝖆𝖓𝖌 || Zhanyi × Wangxian ||Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα