2: Cultural Bite

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y/n was so lonely without her vampire friend Liv. And without them, how was she going to do the cultural project alone? 

y/n and Liv were supposed to have a presentation on Forks, their hometown. Or at least, where their culture had originated. y/n had never been to Forks before. 

y/n held up her poster in front of the class, ready to bedazzle them. "Hi humans, I'm y/n, and I'm a werewolf!" y/n lifted her head up and howled, then looked back down. 

*crickets chirping*

Nobody was clapping, nobody was complementing y/n's howl. How disappointing. 

"Well humans, the culture I'm studying today, is from Forks, Washington, where the Twilight movies took place.

"And for anybody who says that their just fiction, your wrong. Those movies were actually a documentary, following Bella Swan and her sexual relations with the very attractive Edward Cullen." y/n sighed blissfully. "He makes me wanna-

y/n cleared her throat. "But werewolf and vampire intercourse is not possible. And what child would that result in? A very ugly one. And nobody loves ugly children!" 

A kid at the back of the class nodded. "That makes sense," y/n smiled, proud that someone finally understood her. "why nobody loves you!" 

Everyone began to laugh at y/n, the kid who said the joke laughing the loudest. y/n's wolf hormones turned on, and she began barking, but that only made them laugh harder. 

So she did what she never had done. 

y/n got on all fours, and began lunged toward the kid, sinking his teeth in his no-no spot. The screech that came from him was terrifying, but satisfying. All males in the vicinity, even the teacher, passed out from just imagining the pain. But the kid wasn't that lucky. 

"SHE BIT ME!" he screamed. 

y/n took her teeth out of his baby-maker, which probably wouldn't be able to create babies anymore. His screams grew hoarser, and finally he passed out too. 

Most of the girls were in shock, but a few of them were grinning maniacally. Smiling as well, y/n walked out. This human world... just wasn't for her. 

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