11: How to Give Birth 101.2

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ABW chewed on the piece of Jenny. "Wow, she tastes even better than I thought!" he exclaimed. "I think I like donkey better than chicken." 

"Totally understandable," y/n replied, currently chewing on Jenny's toes. "When I first tried donkey meat, it was absolutely delicious." 

Suddenly, Shrek spawned in front of them. "Guys! Sonic is giving birth!" he shouted, ignoring the dead body.

"Already?" y/n asked, not even noticing Shrek's teleportation abilities. 

"Yeah! Meet me at the hospital!" And with that he despawned. 

y/n and ABW finished eating Jenny before they went, because it was better to miss the first 25 seconds of their life than the first 25 years. "How are we going to get there?" ABW asked. 

"Do not worry, I can teleport too." 

"Wow really? You're so amazing!" 

y/n blushed. "T-t-t-t-t-thank y-y-y-y-y-" 

Shrek respawned. "We are waiting!" 

The three respawned in the hospital room, where Sonic was lying on the hospital bed. His water had broken while he was trying on maternity wear, so he was wearing a half-on yellow floral dress while screaming his head off (insert shaky camera).

"Push!" the nurse instructed. 

"Wait!" Sonic shouted, falling quiet (insert still camera). "I don't have a vagina." 

"Oh," the nurse blinked. "Well, you're in a Wattpad book. You'll probably grow one or something." 

"Ah, okay."" 

"PUSH!" and with that, the screaming resumed. 

Sonic ended up birthing out, not one, not two, not three... *checks again* THREE, HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL BABIES. Two of them were boys, and one was a girl. One of the boys had Shrek's ears, but other than that looked pretty human, and the other boy had Sonic's bright blue spiky hair right out of the womb. The girl ended up being a werewolf, her teeth were already grown, she was kind of hairy, and she was barking a lot. *sighs* Nokia takes after her y/n so much.

They named the Ogre-boy Bartholomew, the Wolf-girl Nokia after the beloved Nokia phone, and the Sonic-boy Jake, because he looked like he would grow up to be a bad boy, and everyone knew all bad boy's were named Jake. 

And the seven of them lived happily ever after all...




Or did they? 

16 yrs later...

"M-m-moms and d-d-dads?" Nokia stuttered. 

"Yes, Nokia?" replied y/n, Sonic, Shrek, and ABW all in unison. (y/n and Sonic are the moms, Shrek and ABW are the dads).

"I'm pregnant..." Nokia slowed down, receiving a gasp from her parents. "But not just anyone is the father..." 

"Who does it belong to?" Shrek and ABW shouted.

"It's your sons'."


A/N: yes, i left y'all on a cliffhanger. do you want a sequel? because if there is one, the drama will be JUICY.

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