Chapter 16

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I don't own lotr or blue exorcist.


Two tiny figures stand out against a bleak background, looking over the plains of Gorgoroth. Ahead lays the ominous silhouette of a fiery mountain, and beneath it the lights of thousands of campfires, each belonging to a troop of orcs. A great eye scans the lands beneath it, its eerie ray of light sliding over the earth as it surveys its army.


Rin stood next to Legolas, hands entwined as their company carefully watched Gandalf pacing. Gimli, amusingly enough, sat on the throne of the old steward. The wizened Istari eventually spoke, "Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening."

Oh . Great. That's Great News™. Legolas wrapped an arm around his shoulder comfortingly, or perhaps for comfort, and he returned the gesture.

Aragorn turned away from Gandalf to face the rest of the group. "If Sauron had the ring, we would know it."

Gandalf shook his head, his demeanour defeated. Saruman really got to him, huh?

"It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping."

"Let him stay there! Let him rot. Why should we care?" Gimli scowled, clearly not having any of Gandalf's attitude.

The wizard just looked back at the dwarf, unbothered by the annoyed dwarrow. "Because ten thousand orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom."

Rin frowned. Well then, what we need is...

"No." Aragorn said suddenly. "There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that."

"...a distraction" .

The ranger nodded at him in confirmation. "We draw out Sauron's armies- empty his lands. Then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate."

Rin nods his understanding - I have no idea what that is- and watches as Gimli chokes on his pipe. Don't smoke, kids.

Eomer, always a voice of reason, is the first to speak. "We cannot achieve victory from strength of arms."

"Not for ourselves." Aragorn answers, "but we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron' s eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves."

"Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait."

Gimli puffed into his pipe. "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

Kuro meowed in agreement. "Gimi's my new favourite."


Rin left Legolas in their room, preparing for the battle ahead, and went to search for Aragorn. He found the ranger where he had suspected, staring warily at the cloth-covered palantir that had caused so much trouble in Isengard. He jogged up to the man noisily so as to not startle him.

Aragorn turned to greet him with some surprise on his face. "I did not think you would guess my plan."

Rin flushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I know it's out of character." He wasn't entirely sure how to say what he wanted to say next, but Aragorn seemed to guess it.

"You think it unwise for me to commune with the enemy."

Well yeah, duh.

"...I mean, yeah."

The ranger sighed. "I think the same as you, but there is little choice in the matter. Little will catch Sauron's attention."

"I just... you know, can't be affected by his mind magic stuff, so I thought maybe...?"

Aragorn's eyes widened in realisation, but he quickly found a counterargument. "Do you have something that will catch the eye of the dark lord?"

Rin paused, and nerves suddenly made themselves very apparent in his stomach as he thought about his next words, but he swallowed them down and spoke his plan. "Soliketechnicallymydad isbasicallytheSauronofmyworlormaybelikeSauron'sbosssoImean..." he stopped there, and waited for the ranger to catch up. Aragorn stared at him, not disguising his shock at the words.

Maybe this was a mistake . He could practically hear Kuro scolding him in his head, despite the fact that his cat was currently with Gimli. ( Traitor)

Eventually Rin broke the silence. "I don't know, I just thought maybe that was enough to distract Sauron."

Aragorn seemed to shake himself out of his stupor. "You are...." He paused, "nevermind. Yes, it would be, if you are willing." They just stared at each other for a second. "I will leave you to it, and get Legolas, as I'm certain he'll want to be here when you have finished." He swept past Rin out of the room.

The half-demon dragged a hand down his face. That did not go exactly as well as hoped.

He walked towards the seeing stone in the middle of the room, covered by a thin cloth. Let's just get this over with.

The feeling when he touched the stone was intense. His vision blacked out, and he stood instead before the great flaming eye he had seen in his dreams. He could feel the pain of the heat on his face, a new sensation, and an intense pain ran through his arm instead of the garbled words that he heard in that filthy, oily language that was being spoken.

I don't bend to anyone. He growled and unsheathed Kurikara, his flame crawling over his own body to protect from the heat.

"Child of Demons."

Rin snarled back in that awful language. "Child of The Demon, Actually. Satan's flame burns all."

The eye almost seemed to rear back, but a new blast of heat emerged, and Rin gasped and barely managed to lift his hand from the palantir when he realised that the Eye was attempting to enter his mind. He stumbled back and fell to the marble, ears ringing. Arms encircled him a second later, and looked up to see Legolas, looking more scared as he had ever seen him.

"-nin mel, dî Eru-"

-"Im triw, Legolas." His voice came out hoarse and unused, as if he hadn't spoken in days. Rin heard a sob escape the throat of his partner as Legolas held him tighter, and his heart sank to his boots.

Kuro leapt into his lap moments later. "RIN WHY Would You Do THAT! You were covered in your flame but you were shaking and your eyes were blank and-" The cat yowled incoherently at him. He shifted slightly to wrap his arms around the elven prince, still trapped in the elf's vice-like grip. "-Im nien." He took a breath. "It totally worked, though."


( nin mel, dî Eru: "My love, by Eru-") (Im triw: "I am okay.") (Im nien: I'm sorry.)


The great eye sent its armies to battle.


*Evil Cackles* Is it wrong to love this chapter? Anyways, I'm actually working on the next right now so don't worry about updates, it should be decently soon. Please don't come after me for my elvish, it is really fucking hard to write in a made-up language, I have like five sindarin translation and dictionary tabs open right now.

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