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It was one of those times where my dad was between jobs, he couldn't afford the rent for our apartment so we moved back in with my uncle Albert. He had a nice job and a nice house big enough for my crack head dad and I to live comfortably without having to worry. Albert didn't like my dad, he said he was a dead beat and stupid but he didn't want to have his one and only niece on the streets.

I sat sprawled out of the couch flipping through channels when I felt the couch dip. I lifted my head to see Albert sitting there. I smiled "Albert?" He hummed in response "do you know where my dad is?" I asked. He shook his head, "I've gotta go out you think you'll be fine alone?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded, "yeah of course" I replied as I continued to flip through channels. "Okay great, remember don't go down to the basement" I rolled my eyes and nodded "I know."

"Okay I'll be back in a few hours" he lifted himself off of the couch and grabbed his keys off of the coffee table that was littered with newspapers and remnants of my dads drugs. "Love you" he said as he began to walk out the door. "Love you too" I replied.

Once I heard the door lock and his van start up I sighed, turning off the tv. I huffed as I walked into the kitchen. I peered down the stairwell that lead to the basement to see the door cracked open. I furrowed my eyebrows, normally it was closed and locked. It was always closed, he must've forgotten. I didn't know exactly what was in the basement but I had theories. Maybe a secret lab where he created bombs or something, but that wasn't very realistic so the most realistic thing I could come up with was a collection of guns or weapons he didn't want me to get into. He did have a massive black dog that was mostly used for security so it wasn't far off. I slowly walked down the stairs, pressing my hand against the wall so I wouldn't fall. Once I made it down to the bottom I grabbed onto the door and began to pull it open.

It was large, metal, and heavy so it took me a bit of strength to open it.
Once it was open I saw there wasn't any weapons or lab, just a mattress, and a black phone on the wall. On the mattress was a boy, curled up. He has blonde curly hair. My uncle was hiding a boy down here. "If you come near me I'll beat the shit out of you" he growled. I recognized that voice, the hair, the denim vest. It was vance hopper, I had only seen him once before he got grabbed. But I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Vance went missing two months ago, he's been down here for two whole months and my dad and I didn't even notice. "Holy shit" I whispered "holy shit oh my god" his head whipped up. "Who the fuck are you?" He growled, "y/n my names y/n I live here" I replied quickly. I slowly walked towards him cautiously. I knew what he was capable of. He had dirt and blood covering him, his hair was a mess, and his clothes had rips in them. "He's not home" I whispered, "I- I can get you some food, do you want me to get you anything?" He nodded slowly. "Can you help me? Get out. I thought.." he sighed wiping his face harshly "I thought I'd be able to do it myself, you know kill him? But I can't I just fucking can't" he sighed tears pricking at his waterline. Vance hopper wasn't the type of boy to cry ever or even ask for help, so I knew he was serious. "I- yeah..I can help you" I now stood about a foot away from the mattress. "But I don't think we can do it now" I replied stuffing my hands in my Jean pockets. "What do you mean?!" He asked harshly as he tried to stand but almost immediately fell back onto the mattress. A lump formed in my throat, did my uncle take those other boys too? Did he kill them? What was he doing to vance that made him so weak?

"W-what is he doing to yo-you?" I managed to whisper. "You don't want to know" he said shaking his head. "I- we can't do it now, he's to strong, you're to weak, he's double my size" i said as I walked closer. "We're gonna have to make a plan, to get you out of here" I continued. He nodded, I was finally close enough to see the wounds he had all over his body, bruises, cuts, most of them looks like belt marks. I dropped myself down the mattress next to him. Dust flew everywhere as I sat. This place was disgusting, the walls were uneven, and it looked like there was blood stains all over the bed. He side eyed me as he furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you doing?" He asked.

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