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4 days

It was A Tuesday. I had woken up late so I was scrambling around my room. Taking one last look at myself in the bathroom mirror I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and stepped out. I walked into the kitchen. Sitting at the table was albert with a newspaper in hand, and my dad slurping up cereal out of a bowl. "Hi daddy" I said as I walked towards the cabinets. He didn't answer he just smiled down at his bowl. I stood up on my tiptoes as I grabbed a bowl. I then grabbed the box of lucky charms that sat pushed up against the backsplash. I poured some into my bowl before walking over to the fridge. I grabbed the gallon of milk lugging it back over to the counter.
I poured some into my bowl before lugging it back over the the fridge. I shut the fridge door and walked over to the silverware drawer. I grabbed a spoon and stuck it into my bowl. I carefully grabbed the bowl with both of my hands and walked over to the table. I placed the bowl down and then sat down. Scooting the chair about an inch away from Albert subconsciously. Albert lowered his newspaper and smirked. He was psychotic. I scooped up the marshmallows out of my bowl first, the best part of lucky charms in my opinion but Bruce says different. (It's probably because his a weirdo though) "your mom.." dad said his mouth full of cereal "she wants you to go over to hers later today" I shook my head quickly "nuh uh..I need to stay here" I said a bit to harsh. Dad's eyebrows furrowed together "why?.."

"Bruce and I...he's coming over later" I said. Dad nodded slowly as he placed a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "Ive..I've gotta go" i muttered as I picked my bowl up and walked over to the sink. I placed the bowl inside before running back off to my room. I grabbed up my backpack slinging it over my shoulder before running back out.

"Bye daddy! Love you!" I said as I ran out of the house. I sped walked towards Bruce's street. I couldn't wait to see him. He was my best friend. As I turned the corner to his street I saw him standing next to the street sign. His jet black hair was styled to perfection no wonder all the girls had a crush on him. (To be honest so did I but you can't tell him that.) his hands were stuck into his pockets as he swayed slightly. "We're the hell were you yesterday?" He asked I giggled and rolled my eyes "nice to see you too Bruce" I said as I hugged him. He chuckled wrapped around my torso. "So you going to my baseball game this weekend?" He asked as we parted. I shrugged my shoulders "dunno..only if you promise you'll win" I said a smile on my face. "Of course I'll win" he said his ego really showing through. I laughed as we began to cross the street, "you missed Mrs. Thompsons math quiz yesterday" he said. "Was it hard?" I asked. He shook his head as he ran his hands through his hair. "Nope real easy" I ran my fingers along the metal fence that lined the bakers front yard. "Bruce can you come over later?" I whispered. He nodded "yeah sure..after I walk Amy home though."

Bruce was the best friend I'd ever had. He'd do anything for me. I'm sure if I asked him he'd help vance and I kill Albert but I didn't want to bring him into this. Not now not ever. I couldn't have him getting hurt. I think...I think I loved Bruce. But I couldn't really tell I was fourteen. I barely knew what love was. I thought he was my soulmate platonically though. I just felt like we were always destined to be friends.

"Bruce..do you believe in soulmates?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders. My feet dragged against the sidewalk making a scrapping noise as it did so. "I dunno why?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders "dunno" I whispered. My fingers began to turn red from constantly hitting the fence. I pulled my fingers away as I felt my fingers hit a piece of paper. I came to a stop turning my head to see Vance's missing poster. I had seen Vance's mom a handful of times. The first time was when he first went missing. She stood outside of the school everyday waiting to see him. Poor woman. Then a couple times when she'd stop by the house asking if we'd seen him around. She loved vance a lot. I heard it was just the two of them since his dad left when he was two. I felt bad. I always did.
"You think theyll find him?" Bruce said. I shrugged my shoulders staring down at the paper. "I think he's dead" Bruce said. I shook my head "no..I don't think so" I whispered. He wasn't dead he was in my fucking basement. "Let's go we're gonna be late" he said grabbing my hand and pulling it along. Everytime Bruce touched me it just felt like a bunch of butterflies just went rampant in my tummy.

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