
548 7 12

Tw- allusion of rape, kidnapping, pedophilia murder

2 days

I woke up my body curled up into a ball, my head still laid on Vance's lap. His arms sat around my torso and his head leaned over to the side qw if it was sat on his shoulder. His long eyelashes laid against his cheeks as he snored slightly. His chest rising and falling with every breath. He was absolutely beautiful even with the dirt and blood on his face. How did nobody ever realize it, his blue eyes (that were practically the he exact color of the ocean), and his long eyelashes paired together oh my god.

I stared up at the sleeping boy, my heart stopped, finally realizing what I was thinking. Vance hopper..and beautiful in the same sentence. No one would ever think of that. But somehow it fit, it fit together if you didn't know his personality and just looked at him. God he was beautiful, so god damn beautiful. Most girls spent their time swooning over bruce, (guilty) or even Richard Brookes (an 11th grader) but somehow no one noticed vance. Maybe it was because of his violent tendencies. But I call bullshit, Richard Brooke got into several fights even trying to fight a teacher. But no one ever said anything about that? Richard Brooke's had soft brown eyes and curly brown hair that could fool even the most aware of people that he was a sweetheart, while vance, vance always had a scowl on his face, he listened to punk rock, and had long hair. Definitely wouldn't fool anyone. Most girls even swooned for the bad boys in tv shows vance was definitely the definition of bad boy. He always sported a Jean vest, had a pocket knife in his left pocket at all times, and beat anyone who looked sideways at him. Look Im not saying I like vance or anything, I'm just saying he's attractive that's it!

Then vance began to stir, he must've felt me staring because just as fast as vance began to stir his eyes opened. "What the hell are you staring at?" He grumbled his voice deep from sleep. "Nothing" I muttered as I began to sit up. I pushed myself against the wall next to vance. "We should pull the wire out from over there and set it up" he said pointing to the wall next to me. I nodded slowly and began to push myself up off of the mattress and onto my feet. As soon as I was stood up vance held out his hand for help up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up with a grunt. When he was finally on his feet he stumbled a bit before gaining back his balance. "Shit I was sitting there for a long time" Vance muttered as he rubbed at his eyes. "Where is it? I can get it" I said. Vance pointed to a space between the floor and the wall. "That's where it starts" I nodded and began to walk over to the wall.

I kneeled down next to the wall and stuck my finger into the area until I felt a cord. I then began to pull, I pulled a small bit out before grabbing with both hands and standing up. I Walked backwards and pulled, and pulled until it all came out. It was about 2 yards long. "Okay we'll set it up over there" he said pointing towards the small hallway that led to the bathroom. I nodded and began to drag it. I turned the corner to see a carpet covering what I assumed was the hole vance has dug. "Be carful" Vance mumbled. I kneeled down yet again and stuck the cord slightly through a hook in the wall and then pulled a bit so I could set the other end across from me. Then I moved to the other side repeating the process tillthe cord was sitting on the floor unseen, so later on I could just pull and easily put albert down. I pushed myself up off of the floor and began to walk over towards the black phone that sat on the wall next to the mattress.

I grabbed the phone off of the receiver and began to pull at the cord. "What the hell are you doing?" Vance muttered as he began to walk towards me. "We could use this" i grunted as I finally tore the cord away from the phone. I then began to pull again until it tore away from the receiver. I then handed the cord to Vance. "Why are you giving me this?" Vance asked his eyebrows furrowed together. "You're gonna use it" i replied, as I stared into his eyes. "I'm going to distract him and when I give you a signal you're gonna come up behind him and strangle him" I said a random feeling of anger washing over me. We were going to kill him, we weren't just going to try. We were going to kill him. He stared at me his eyes bouncing from side to side like he was confused. "Do you understand?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure" he muttered before walking back over to the mattress, shoving the cord into his pocket, and falling back onto the mattress. "You're bossy...you know that right?" Vance muttered as he ran his hands through his knotted up blonde hair. "I just don't want to die" i replied as I threw the phone up into the air and then caught it, the phone making a slapping sound against my palm. "Well we're not so stop thinking like that" Vance replied. I rolled my eyes and said "I know" as I also fell back onto the mattress with a sigh.

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