Chapter 1

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           Khan blasted upward and punched the spherical object with full force, sending it flying through the sky, straight over Freyan.
           "Incoming!" Kai shouted from the other side, blasting upward. He spun around and kicked the ball as hard as he could, sending it back over.
           "I got it!" Lance shouted, flying forward and punching the ball once more.
           "That's mine!" Aro shouted, sending it over again. Andrew grunted and jumped up. Despite not being able to go as high as everyone else, he was able to send the ball back over the city.
            "Short?" Kai asked. Dagger shook his head and launched upward, barely having time to send it back over. Duros launched himself upward and sent threads around the ball, spinning it around and using Dagger's own momentum to send the ball back over.
            "Not on my watch!" Elliot shouted, slamming into the ball with his knee, which sent it back over the city once more.
            "I got it!" Khan and Duros shouted at once. On the way up, they crashed into each other and the ball sailed over them. Andrew dove to the side, but was unable to reach the ball. It smashed into the ground and left a small crater. Andrew sighed. Lance frowned and fired a beam of energy into the sky. The other team cheered and high fived one another.
           "Five to six now. Whataya say we make it next point wins?" Huey asked. Khan smiled and nodded. He stood. Huey placed his finger on Khan's throat.
           "Hey, next point wins?!" He shouted. Kai and Dagger looked at one another with a smile. Kai blasted up into the air and spread his wings, shaping them into two words: You're On! Khan smiled and threw the ball up. He jumped up and smacked it.

           Khan slunk into the tavern and sat down, followed by Kai, who patted him on the back with a smile.
          "You did it to yourself." He said.
          Khan slammed his head into the table. "I know." He said, though it was muffled by the wood of the table. Kai sat down beside him while Aro brought each of them a drink and sat down himself. "We should prepare." Khan said, quickly rising to his feet.
Kai grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back into his seat. "Our team is as prepared as possible, and it's good to take our minds off of it for a little bit sometimes."
          Khan sighed. "It's less than two months before the Demon King attacks." He said.
          Kai sighed and nodded. "I know." He said.
          Aro put his finger to his chin. "Destiny has been pregnant a long time." He said.
           Lance shrugged. "I guess she has."
           "Ten and a half months to be exact." Everyone looked to Destiny, who was slowly making her way down the stairs. Lance floated over to her and carried her down the stairs. "Thanks, dear." She said. Lance smiled and nodded.
          "Well, I'm off to do kingly things." Dagger said, standing. He snapped his fingers, his crown appearing on his head and his cape drifting down his back. "See you all later."
          Kai smiled and waved. "So long, your majesty." He said.
          Dagger pointed at him. "You stop that." He said.
          Kai laughed. "No." He said. Dagger smiled and walked out the door, summoning Ferallity and disappearing.
          Alexander opened the door of the tavern. "Have you seen the king?" He asked.
          "He just left." Duros said.
          Alexander sighed and leaned on his knees. "Can I stay here a moment?" He asked.
          Khan smiled and nodded. "Of course. I'm sure he won't need you for a few minutes."
          Alexander smiled and sat down. "I've been training my abilities." He said.
          Huey placed his bottle on the table. "What do you mean?" Alexander smiled. He grabbed the stone and pried it out of his armor, offering it to Huey.
           "I don't need it anymore."
           Huey smiled. "You keep it for a while. I'll let you know if someone else needs it more." Alexander nodded and fitted the stone back into his chestplate.
Ethan busted through the door and reached behind his back, pulling out a bottle which he popped the cap off of and took a swig. "I think the army is finally as buckled down as they can get. Christopher seems to be confident."
          Khan smiled. "That's good. I think we might be as ready as we can be."
          Ethan nodded. "Dem said he will most likely fight alongside us, and he'll bet Gibbs will join the fray as well."
           "Medusa said she would help." Kai said.
           "Minotaur is in." Duros said with a smile, which he was happy to be able to do again.
           "I'm sure Hydra will help out if we can wake him up." Aro said.
           Khan nodded. "We've got Raal and the M'Feles on our side, the most powerful men in the country, and a few higher leveled demons!" He clenched his fist. "The wait has been killing me. Maybe he'll come early?"
           Ethan shrugged. "I mean demons aren't exactly known for their honesty, but Satan's promise has held so far."
          Khan nodded. "You're right. We need to use this remaining month and a half to be sure we're prepared for anything."
          Ethan smiled and nodded. "That's the spirit!" He said. There was a knock at the door. Ethan turned and opened it. Standing there was a knight, covered in soot and dust. "What happened to you?" Ethan asked.
          The knight took a deep breath. "Well, I was on patrol when all of a sudden the ground shattered beneath me, and there was something in the hole, but before I could get a good look at it, it vanished down into the darkness." Khan and Kai looked at one another.
          "I'm guessing you want us to check it out?" Duros asked. The knight nodded. Duros jumped up. "Finally, some action." He said, cracking his knuckles.
          "I'm coming, too." Kai said, leaving his bottle on the table.
          Khan shrugged and took another swig. "I'm sure you guys can handle it."
          Elliot rose. "Can I go? Maybe my light can be of use." Duros and Kai shrugged.
          "The more the merrier I guess." Kai said.
          "To a degree, yeah." Duros said with a smile. The three followed the knight down the street until they came to a crowd that had gathered around the hole, which was a break in what looked to be a tunnel that ran directly under the street. "Weird." Duros said, kneeling down. He placed his hand on the ground, opening the hole up more. Kai lit his tail up and moved it down into the hole, but didn't brighten it up that much. Duros dropped down into the tunnel, expanding the small vertical hole that went straight down. "You said it escaped through here?" He asked. The knight nodded. Duros looked up at Kai, who shrugged. Duros lowered himself slowly into the hole by expanding it as he went down. Kai dropped down after him, Elliot behind him.
          "We'll check it out." He said with a smile. The knight nodded and ushered the people to back away from the hole.

          Dagger sat in his throne, plagued by a mild headache. Alexander marched into the throne room and bowed.
          "Apologies for my absence." He said.
          Dagger waved his hand. "It's alright." He said. He glanced over at Harold, who had cleared his throat. Dagger scowled. "Just don't be late again, or you will be punished."
Alexander looked up at Dagger in confusion. "Punished?"
          "Did I stutter?" Dagger asked harshly. Alexander shook his head and stood at his post at the foot of the throne. Dagger once more looked over at Harold, who now smiled and held a thumbs up. Dagger nodded slightly and turned his attention back to the door.

         Everyone else sat in the tavern, bored for the first time since before Satan attacked.
         "Well, now what do we do?" Aro asked, looking up at the ceiling.
         "I guess we wait for someone to discover some demon infested something or other then go solve that." Khan said, taking a swig from his bottle. Suddenly, Destiny began breathing heavily and quickly.
Lance stood and looked down at her. "What is it? What do you need? What can I do?" He asked. Destiny was breathing so fast she couldn't speak, she just looked up at him with large eyes. Lance's own eyes expanded as well. "Oh!!" He said. He picked Destiny up and zoomed out the door. Khan jumped up and raced after them. Huey wasn't far behind him. Aro and Andrew shrugged, following behind them. Lance nearly destroyed the doctor's door while trying to get inside. They placed Destiny on a table in the back room and the doctor ushered Lance and Khan out into the front room, where they sat with Huey, Aro, and Andrew and waited. About an hour later, Khan's head was tipped back and he was snoring a bit, while Aro's head was propped on Andrew's shoulder, Andrew's on top of Aro's head, both sound asleep. Huey had since gone to meet up with his sister, but Lance couldn't sleep. He sat there, wide awake and tapping his foot. Khan's head fell and rested on Lance's shoulder, but he didn't seem to notice. Finally, there was the sound of a crying baby. Lance stood quickly, letting Khan fall and slam his head into the seat.
          He gasped and stood up quickly. "I'm up!" He shouted. The doctor opened the door with a smile on his face and gestured for Lance to enter. Lance quickly obliged and looked down at Destiny, who was holding a small boy, who looked an awful lot like Lance.
          "He, he's beautiful." He said, sitting down beside them. Khan pulled Aro and Andrew in and the three of them smiled as they saw the new baby.
          "What's his name?" Aro asked. Khan elbowed him in the gut.
          Lance chuckled. "No it's alright." He looked at Destiny. "What is his name?" He asked.
          Destiny smiled. "I was thinking Blake."
          Lance smiled as tears began streaming down his face. "I love it." He said.

          Duros expanded more of the tunnel, but finally came to a closed off portion. Kai dropped down beside him.
          "End of the line?" Elliot asked.
          "But how?" Duros asked.
          Kai lit his fist ablaze. "Lemme take care of this." He said.
          "Kai, Wait!" Duros shouted. Kai slammed his fist into the stone, which shattered, dropping Kai down into the dark expanse below.

The Dragon's Bounty III:Dying LightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang